Experts reveal that a cure for motor neuron disease could be in the works


EXPERTS have revealed a cure for Motor Neurone Disease (MND) could be “possible”.

A charity started by Doddie Wiser, the Scottish Rugby Legend who passed away in 2007, announced last week that they would be investing millions of pounds to research.

A cure for Motor Neurone Disease could be 'possible', according to researchers


According to scientists, a cure for Motor Neurone Disease may be “possible”.
A charity launched by the late legend Doddie Weir announced this week it would invest millions of pounds into research


This week, a charity founded by late Doddie-Weir will invest millions in research.Credit: Getty

And what exactly is MND then? Estimated 5,000 Brits suffer from it. The risk is one in every 300.

Doddie, who was diagnosed with MND six years ago, died in November of last year at the age 52.

The symptoms include weakness of muscles, spasms or cramps, stiffness in the joints, changing thinking patterns and behavior, problems with communication and speech, difficulty swallowing and breathing, and a weak cough.

Dr Nicholas Cole, head of research at the MND Association, said: “MND is a fatal, rapidly progressing disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. It affects the movement-controlling nerves, so that muscles stop working.

“MND affects everyone differently and the speed at which symptoms progress can vary.

“It cannot be stopped or reversed. A drug (riluzole) has a modest effect in slowing the disease, and therapies, equipment and medication can help people achieve the best possible quality of life.”

The MND diagnosis is usually fatal within 2 years, but 10%, including Professor Stephen Hawking can live up to 10 years or longer.

The My Name’5 Doddie Foundation was set up in 2017 by the rugby player and will now focus on raising money to research treatments.

Dr Cole said: “Currently, MND has no cure or effective treatment. But researchers are making a lot of progress.”


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