Exclusive: Wesley Snipes’ Blade Set to Make Stunning Comeback in Marvel Universe

Is Blade Returning to the MCU? Wesley Snipes Addresses Rumors

Wesley Snipes Speaks Out About the Possibility of Returning as Blade

Wesley Snipes, known for his iconic portrayal of Blade, recently shared his thoughts on the potential of reprising his role as the vampire hunter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an interview with ComicBook.com, Snipes expressed his willingness to return to the role, stating, “Never say never. [As] long as I’m healthy and in shape, I can rock with them.”

Snipes’ Openness to Reprising the Role

Despite acknowledging that his time as Blade may have passed, Snipes remains open to the idea of returning to the character that propelled him to stardom. While Marvel Studios has not approached him about the possibility, Snipes expressed his readiness to engage in discussions about reprising the role of the Daywalker.

The Possibility of a Multiverse with Snipes and Mahershala Ali

The timing of Snipes’ potential return as Blade alongside Mahershala Ali’s upcoming “Blade” movie may seem unusual. However, with the MCU diving into multiversal storytelling, the coexistence of multiple versions of the same character is now a possibility. Just as “Spider-Man: No Way Home” showcased the incorporation of various Spider-Men, the MCU is primed for diverse iterations of beloved characters.

A Rumor or Reality?

As speculation swirls about Snipes’ return as Blade, fans are left wondering whether this is mere conjecture or a legitimate possibility. While nothing is confirmed yet, the prospect of Snipes reprising his role as Blade serves as a tantalizing prospect for both fans and the veteran actor alike. Only time will reveal whether the iconic Daywalker will grace the screen once more in the ever-expanding MCU landscape.

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