Every month I travel to Spain. Here’s 7 ways Brits can look like a “guiri”


No one can deny that British citizens are notorious for bad behaviour when traveling abroad.

Known for being embarrassingly loud, drunk and uncouth, tourists are usually referred to as ‘Brits abroad’.

The Spanish have a name for Brits abroad - and it's not always complimentary


Spanish don’t always think highly of Brits who live abroadCredit: Lee Bell

Spain is the number one destination that Brits choose to go to in order to enjoy some sunshine. Visitor numbers are 800,000. – it’s where many of these stereotypical travellers Go for your Enjoy your holidays with us.

It probably comes as no surprise that the Spanish have their own word for such tourists – and that’s ‘guiri’.

Pronounced ‘guee-ree’, it’s a term Spanish people use to describe certain foreigners in their country, and it’s not usually meant in a complimentary way.

Most northern Europeans, including British tourists, are referred to as “British”. Germany and Scandinavia as well as Americans, it’s mostly used to describe British tourists since they’re the country’s biggest visitors.

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Although it’s not normally meant as an insult and is usually used as a lighthearted nickname or to poke fun – I go to Spain all the time and have been called a guiri myself plenty of times by my Spanish friends.

Here are some of the textbook things that ‘Brits abroad’ do when visiting Spain Locals will label you as a guiri if they see you doing it.

1. Wearing very little – even during cooler months

Clothing is a surefire way to identify a guiri. The type of clothing is important, but so too is the absence.

Wearing flip-flops, especially when paired with socks and even in the winter is not acceptable. Weather isn’t that warm, explains a Barcelona resident, Pedro Rosenblat.

“When the locals are still wearing coats and scarves in Spring, you’ll see guiris walking around wearing vests and You can also find out more about Skirts or short shorts

“Because the sun is shining, they act like it’s summer.”

The following are some of the ways to get in touch with each other The guiri code also includes jersey as a common item.

2. The sun burnt parts of the body

Sun lotion is not a favorite of a guiri, even on the first day of a holiday.

After a day on the beach, guiris are likely to be laughed at by locals as they’re spotted walking back to their Hotels Beachwear a sore-looking farmer’s tan.

It seems that getting sunburned is a common rite of passing for British tourists who visit places with warmer climates. And for some, it’s worn like a badge of honour.

3. Excessive drinking

Another guiri characteristic is excessive drinking, particularly when it comes to drinking beer first thing in the morning.

It’s this all-day drinking that can lead to the outlandish behaviour guiris are renowned for, such as singing football chants that locals aren’t too fond of or yelling loudly in the streets in the early hours when people are trying to Sleeping.

Your drink of choice gives you away as a Brit


What you drink gives away your Britishness

4. Spanish is not spoken

One of the most embarrassing things a guiri can do is to not speak the local dialect.

Sure, not many Brits know other languages but typical guiris won’t even attempt to say ‘hola’ instead of hello or ‘por favor’ instead of please.

Locals don’t expect this, but using some Spanish words here and there might help you dodge the guiri label in some instances.

5. Ordering British or cliche Spanish food

Guiris have been known to insist on eating typical British foods or ordering cliche Spanish food like Sangria in winter or at touristy restaurants.

SiThe following are some examples of how to get started:note: Spanish people don’t really drink Sangria as it’s seen as more of a tourist drink.

Locals will opt for ‘tinto de verano’ (meaning summer red Wine) in the warmer months, which is basically red wine Gaseosa is a sugary soda water

6. Jumping from balconies, or “balconing”

One of the biggest things guiris are slammed for in Spain is “balconing”, a phenomenon that involves jumping from the balcony of high-rise hotels into Swimming pools.

Not only do locals hate it because it’s dangerous, but it puts a strain on the country’s emergency services.

Numerous Brits were injured by balconing accidents in the past decade.

And it’s become such an issue that even The UK Government has issued a warning There are dangers associated with this dangerous trend.

7. Eating dinner before 9 PM

Spaniards generally eat dinner much later than other countries in northern Europe or America, so you’ll never see locals dining in a Restaurants Before 9pm

And if you do go for dinner later, don’t give away your guiri status by ordering paella, adds Rosenblat.

“We generally eat paella at lunchtime, usually in the sun by the sea,” he says.

“We also don’t Just eat tapas all the time.”

You can also do this to make yourself look like a native.

Avoid the following to blend in quickly with locals.

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These are my tips for avoiding tourist traps in Barcelona and how to look more local when visiting the city.

And I’ve also explained how to save money while visiting Spain’s most popular city if you’re looking to do it on a budget.

Avoid eating dinner too early or you'll stand out - opt for 9pm dining


If you want to avoid being noticed, don’t eat before 9pm.Credit: Lee Bell


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