Emma Thompson: It was a moment of pure joy when I learned that the Scottish school won the top prize


Oscar winner, Dame Emma Thompson, wept when she learned that a Scottish school had been awarded a prestigious education prize.

Dunoon Grammar has been crowned winner of the T4 Education World’s Best School Prize for community collaboration in recognition of the work it has done both home and abroad over the last decade.

Dame Emma Wise and her husband Greg Wise have strong connections to the Argyll community and own a holiday home in the area.

“You’ve put Dunoon Grammar School into a kind of global recognition moment,”The school was informed by Dame Emma.

Emma Thompson: It was a moment of pure joy when I learned that the Scottish school won the top prizeDavid Mitchell, head teacher at Dunoon Grammar School/Argyll and Yete Council/PA

“The spotlight’s on you (this), small as we know, rural community in Scotland. It’s the most extraordinary achievement.

“It actually made me cry when I heard about it. We’re so thrilled for you, and so proud of you, and I hope you all just feel, well, on top of the world because, at this moment in time, that’s where you are.”

Mr Wise has visited the school on several occasions and had spoken at leavers’ events, said head teacher David Mitchell.

Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister, also sent her greetings to the school.

She stated: “Congratulations to everyone at Dunoon Grammar School. This is a fantastic achievement and well-deserved recognition for all the hard work and effort you have put in to support your local community.”

He was filled with gratitude for the award “so much pride”He stated. He was accompanied by his children to the school.

“There is just something special about Dunoon Grammar School,”He stated.

“All I want for every single child that comes into this building, as they leave here having achieved their potential and having had a good time. That’s all I want.

Emma Thompson: It was a moment of pure joy when I learned that the Scottish school won the top prizeStaff and pupils at Dunoon Grammar School (Argyll and Bute Council/PA)

“If every child leaves here with a positive memory, I’ve done my job.”

Paul Gallanagh was the principal teacher in computing and IT who spearheaded much of the effort to achieve the award, Mr Mitchell stated. “deserves a lot of thanks”.

“He has driven a huge amount of this and I would like to thank him for all of his hard work.”

This school was recognized for its efforts in fighting the problem of “brain drain”In its rural community.

Showbiz Colors ThomsonGreg Wise, husband of Dame Emma Thompson, at a film premiere 1998 (Peter J Jordan/PA).PA Archive/PA Images PETER JORDAN

“Dunoon Grammar has suffered from the brain drain, where the young people have had no real option but to pack up and leave the town,” said Mr Gallanagh.

“As a school we very much wanted to address that.”

Working with partners, the school’s curriculum was adapted to provide 50 courses which reflect key sectors of the local economy such as tourism and maritime studies.

The school had its own projects, including bingo nights for elderly people living in care homes and trips to Malawi to assist with building schools and hospitals.

Mitchell believes that Dunoon will be as thrilled as those who are associated with the school about the award.

“Our vision statement has been about being at the heart of the community, striving together to achieve excellence,”He stated.

“We’ll never rest on our laurels, never. We always want to improve the community. It just plays such an important role and I’m delighted that the community partners will be given that recognition.”

Plans have already been made for the prize money of 50,000 US dollars (£44,000) with the school looking to purchase a mini-bus which would enable them to do more community outreach work.

Mitchell has also a dream: a school community room with peer-led workshops and intergenerational discussions on topics like languages and wiring a plug.

“A lot of schools in Scotland are doing amazing things with their curriculum,”Mitchell stated.

“But to be recognised for the work we’re doing: it’s just amazing.

“Young people, particularly just now, are given negative press.

“I think this just shows that, not just in Dunoon Grammar School, but across the country, there are young people who want to make a difference.

“This recognition is going to give them such a huge boost.”


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