Ebola screenings at US airports starting for travelers from Uganda


Ebola screenings at US airports starting for travelers from Uganda

Ebola is also known as Ebola hemorhagic fever (or Ebola virus-related disease), and it is a deadly, rare, and often fatal disease that results from infection with one or more Ebola viruses. These viruses are commonly found in animals in Africa. The CDC). Ebola can also be transmitted to people by contact with infected animal species, such as bats and monkeys. Ebola can also be transmitted to people through contact with bodily fluids from those who have been infected or died from it. Infected people can spread the virus to others by direct contact to the fluids from the infected person, or through exposure to items contaminated by these fluids.

Ebola virus can cause severe bleeding (hemorrhage), and even death. The symptoms of Ebola include fever, headaches and joint and muscle aches. They can also cause vomiting, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and a lack of appetite. The CDC). Other symptoms include rashes, red eyes and hiccups. Only specialized tests can diagnose Ebola in a laboratory. Ebola can be treated with no specific treatment. The focus of care is to support the body’s fight against the virus and prevent dehydration. Ebola is not currently prevented by any licensed vaccines. There are however ongoing clinical trials that test different vaccines.


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