Dubious Source Claims Dakota Johnson Apparently Rejected Chris Martin’s Proposal


Are things getting tense? Dakota Johnson Chris Martin? One tabloid claims that the Fifty Shades of Grey actress and the Coldplay frontman can’t agree on their future. Let’s check in on the longtime couple.

Chris Martin, Dakota Johnson’s ‘Marriage Debate’

This week Life & Style According to reports, Chris Martin is now ready to marry Dakota Johnson, his girlfriend of four-years, but she may not be ready to settle down. “It’s not that Dakota doesn’t love Chris. She does,”An insider is trustworthy “She’s just seen to many marriages fall apart.” The article reminds readers of how Johnson’s parents, Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, have both been married and divorced a whopping four times.

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The source also mentions Martin’s previous marriage to Gwyneth Paltrow, insisting that Johnson hasn’t seen many marriages that haven’t ended in divorce. “Dakota is totally committed to Chris. She doesn’t need a piece of paper to prove she’s devoted,”The tipster explains. “Still, Chris hopes that she’ll come around to the idea eventually.”

Dakota Johnson Is Uncertain About Marriage?

As we suspected, the tabloid is the only one concerned about Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin’s plans to tie the knot. The couple has been going strong since 2017, and while they’ve sparked engagement rumors for years, the lack of a ring hasn’t slowed them down.

The couple were married in the middle of last month. On a New York City outing, he was seen cuddling up with his girlfriend. They were soon spotted. Strolling hand in hand on a night out in London. Martin spoke most recently. CBS MorningsJohnson was Help him make Coldplay concerts more accessibleTo fans with hearing impairments

Clearly, despite the outlet’s tale, the couple is closer than ever. While it’s totally possible that they’ve talked about marriage before, we have no reason to believe it has become a point of tension in their relationship. And finally, we’re sure that true friends of the couple only want the best for them and would never dish these kinds of nasty rumors to any tabloids.

More Engagement Speculation from the Tabloid

We knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into Life & Style. The outlet is notorious for spreading engagement rumors about Hollywood’s famous couples. In 2018, Johnson and Martin were reported to have been engaged by the magazine. The publication’s efforts have been refocused on Taylor Swift, Joe Alwyn, and more recently. The rag reported that Swift had attempted to beat Tom Hiddleston to death in April. Then the outlet reported Swift and Alwyn’s relationship was “all but over” because the actor wouldn’t propose. Clearly, Life & Style isn’t delivering the freshest facts about these famous couples.

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