Doom, Rampage, and Jumanji are over, Dwayne John is making another video game movie


Doom, Rampage, and Jumanji are over, Dwayne John is making another video game movie

Dwayne Johnson has had a steady presence in Hollywood for over two decades, and in that time he’s appeared in a handful of video game movies. Apart from starring in film adaptations of Doom RampageThe Rock was also part the latest ensemble cast. JumanjiMovies, where the delivery system to the title world evolved form a board game to a videogame. Johnson now announces that he is working on another videogame movie.

So, what’s the next project that Dwayne Johnson will be directing? Although the WWE champion has not revealed what game will be made into a movie, he did share the following. Men’s JournalWhen asked if there were plans to bring videogame characters to the big-screen, he answered:

I can’t tell you which game in particular we’re doing, but there will be an announcement this year. We’re going to bring one of the biggest, most badass games to the screen—one that I’ve played for years. I’m really excited to bring it to fans around the world. Of course we’re going to do right by our gamer friends—but really we’re just going to make a great movie.

That’s not much to work with, although Dwayne Johnson’s mention of playing this video game for “years”This means that we can exclude any game recently released. Still, describing said game as “badass”It is difficult to narrow down the list of candidates. Are we talking about a modern game that’s been waiting for a long time to be turned into a movie, like Gears of War(to which Dave Bautista was currently attached as of 2019). Perhaps, you could follow the example of RampageJohnson is referring here to an arcade machine he played as a child, such as Space Invaders.

We’ll learn the answer sometime later this year, assuming something doesn’t happen that requires Dwayne Johnson to push back the announcement. Hopefully Johnson and whoever else is attached to the project have better luck with this than 2005’s DoomThe Rock made fun of the, which was criticised and derided by many. That’s the same year RampageReleased, the film received mixed reviews and a total of $428 million worldwide. You can read more about Jumanji: Welcome in the Jungle Jumanji: The Next LevelBoth films were commercial successes and critically acclaimed. Jumanji 4This is still being developed.

This mysterious project is just one of many videogame film adaptations currently in the works. Next month, the Tom Holland-led Uncharted, and in April, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will reunite us with Ben Schwartz’s version of the super speedy mammal and introduce us to Idris Elba’s take on Knuckles. There are also upcoming videogame movies. Super Mario Bros., Borderlands Minecraft. It’s also looking like Mortal Kombat 2 might be coming together, although there’s been no official announcement about the sequel moving forward yet.

Dwayne John can be seen starting July 29th as Black Adam in DC Extended Universe. He can also be heard in Krypto, the Superdog. DC League of Super PetsIn May. Word’s also come in that he’ll be teaming with Chris Evans on Red OneHis Christmas-set action film.


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