Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump Jr. are the Only People Who Praise Donald Trump’s New Book.


Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump Jr. are the Only People Who Praise Donald Trump's New Book.

Donald Trump is Book WebsiteHis new book, “Our Journey Together,” is one that all “Patriots” should pick up during this gift-giving season, a lot of CriticsIvanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. seem to be the only ones who give the tome a lot of public praise.

Ivanka wrote her testimonial, both of which can be found on the book website. “Every day for four years I worked alongside my father as he fought for hardworking Americans as the people’s President. These photos provide an intimate glimpse of some of the most pivotal moments of his historic presidency.”Donald Jr. “No one accomplished as much for America as my father did in his four years in the White House. This incredible photo book documents every step of the way. Truly, one of a kind!”You can scroll through both “testimonials”Scroll to the bottom of this book page.

It’s not clear why the Trump siblings haven’t submitted testimonials yet. However, the book is large with more than 320 pages and a recommended reading audience of 12 years or older viaABC News. It is not known if everyone in Trump’s family will receive their own copy. We are sure that the endorsements will ring.


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