Discover Wolverine’s Unforgettable Love Story – Not with Morph!


Title: The Forbidden Love Story of Wolverine and Hercules in Marvel’s X-Men Universe

Keywords: Wolverine, Hercules, X-Treme X-Men, Marvel, romantic pairing, Earth-12025, Age of Apocalypse, relationship, Marvel multiverse, superheroes

The Forbidden Love of Wolverine and Hercules in Marvel’s X-Men Universe

In “X-Treme X-Men” #10, the team of alternate heroes takes turns sharing information about their pasts. Despite Wolverine’s initial objections, the heroes learn Logan and Hercules are romantically involved in their timeline, where they are considered the greatest heroes of Earth-12025.

The Banishment of Hercules and Wolverine by Zeus

After saving the Dominion of Canada from a vicious monster, the pair reveal their love to the public, causing major outrage among the gods. Zeus himself banishes Hercules and Wolverine into the Pits of Tartarus, punishing his son for consorting with a mortal — something only the ruler of Mount Olympus is allowed to do. The couple spend over three years fighting against damned souls before breaking free.

Tragic Demise in the Age of Apocalypse Timeline

The duo’s romance continues on the X-Treme X-Men, but along with Kurt Waggoner and Charles Xavier, Hercules ultimately dies at the hands of Celestial-created Exterminators in the Age of Apocalypse timeline. General James Howlett is last seen heading to Greece along with Corporal Scott Summers of Earth-70213, where he plans to free Hercules from the grip of Hades, showing he’s always willing to fight even the gods for a chance to be with his love again.

The Hope for Future Adventures

Hopefully, Marvel will follow up on Wolverine and Hercules’ adventures down the line. It would be exciting to see the pair together at least one more time, as their relationship made for one of the best (and most unexpected) romantic pairings across the Marvel multiverse. It’s a big deal to see such masculine and straight-coded characters paired together, even if they aren’t the main universe versions. If “X-Men ’97” hops timelines and introduces more variants of heroes and villains, the show could (and should) introduce both heroes, as Wolverine and Hercules’ relationship is more than worth exploring on the small screen.


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