Did Blake Shelton And Gwen Stefani’s Marriage Pass Carson Daly’s ‘Test’The Voice The Host Explains


Did Blake Shelton And Gwen Stefani’s Marriage Pass Carson Daly’s ‘Test’The Voice The Host Explains

Spoiler alert: This story discusses Part 2 of Season 22’s Battle Round on The VoiceYou should be aware of this!

Gwen StefaniAnd Blake SheltonThey have gone head to headThere’s quite a lot already in Season 22 The Voice, but one Battle in particular during Night 2 of the competition’s second round really tested the strength of their relationship. Surprisingly, this was the case. Carson Daly — who officiated the couple’s 2021 wedding — who seemed to be stirring the pot, after the country star executed a brutal steal from his wife’s team. He said that he was testing their relationship. They passed!

It all began when Gwen Stefani introduced artists Jay AllenAnd Cara BrindisiIn the Battle Round of the NBC competition, they will compete against each others. Both coincidentally — or maybe not — were singers that only she and Blake Shelton had turned for in the Blind Auditions. After their duet of Stevie Nicks and Don Henley’s 1981 hit “Leather and Lace,”Brindisi was chosen by No Doubt’s singer. But she tried to use her Save to keep Allen.

This almost worked, until Blake Shelton pressed his button to steal Jay Allen, putting the decision back in the contestant’s hands as to whose team he would continue with. Gwen Stefani ran at her husband, pretending to strangle him, and he eventually switched to Team Blake. Carson Daly intervened. “innocently”This exchange will allow him to fulfill his hosting duties:

  • Carson: “Gwen, are you mad at him?”
  • Gwen: “I’m shaking! Yes! I’m so mad.”
  • Carson: “Will this anger carry off into the home when you go home?”
  • Blake: “Stop it! What are you doing right now, Carson? Can I say something? Before you get me divorced.”
  • Carson: “You did that to yourself.”

Gwen Stefani joined the conversation backstage. “mortified,”She spoke out about Jay Allen’s dumping her on TV. She joked that she was staying at Camila Cabello’s house that night. As the four coaches gave their perspectives on the situation – particularly in regards to who should shoulder the blame – John Legend The spokesman pointed out an unlikely foe and said:

Carson is to be blamed, but it seemed like he was trying out to undermine you guys. The man officiated your wedding, and now he’s trying to instigate your divorce.

Carson Daly, Et tu? The man who not only said the Charming coupleMan and wife, but who elevated their big event by They could even write their vows themselves? And so soon afterwards Their first anniversary! However, the host gave an explanation. Daly explained to the coaches:

To make sure the union was strong, I had to look. It is. You passed the test.

They did pass Carson Daly’s test! It’s not often that the host gets to be the one causing trouble, and I fully blame Blake Shelton for rubbing off on him after 22 seasons. Fans will be sad to see their long-lasting friendship end. “Come Back as a Country Boy” singer Just a few steps away The VoiceAfter Season 23.

But for now, we can continue to follow Mr. and Mrs. Shelton as they fight it out. The VoiceThe program airs at 8:15 p.m. ET on Tuesdays and Mondays on NBC. Make sure you check out our 2022 TV ScheduleSee what else is coming soon.


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