David Tennant And Catherine Tate Return As Jodie Whittaker Exits Series Ahead Of Ncuti Gatwa’s 2023 Debut


Jodie Whittaker’s final episode on Doctor WhoIt aired on September 6, and brought back many familiar faces as the series celebrated its 60th anniversary. The clip can be viewed in the video above.

Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor regenerated and a familiar face returned to the Doctor Who universe. David Tennant portrayed the Fourteenth Doctor, reprising his role in the series.

Tennant was between 2005-2010 the Tenth Doctor for the BBC show. Along with Tennant came Donna Noble, played by Catherine Tate in the episode that was Whittaker’s last episode of the series.

It is confirmed that Tate and Tennant will be appearing in three episodes of Special Episodes of Doctor WhoThey will air on November 20, 2023.

Ncuti Gatta is poised to take over the franchise, and the control of TARDIS. His first episode will air in 2023.

“If you thought the appearance of David Tennant was a shock, we’ve got plenty more surprises on the way!”Russell T. Davies was the showrunner. “The path to Ncuti’s Fifteenth Doctor is laden with mystery, horror, robots, puppets, danger and fun! And how is it connected to the return of the wonderful Donna Noble? How, what, why? We’re giving you a year to speculate, and then all hell lets loose!”

Check out the photos Doctor WhoBelow are the series.


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