Damage-Proof Your Home: Crush Mold with these Expert DIY Condensation Fighting Tricks!

How to Prevent Mold with a Viral Cleaning DIY: Expert Advice

Condensation in your home can cause mold to form and a viral hack is only making the problem worse. A professional cleaner has shared the simple DIY tricks she recommends instead.

Why Condensation Leads to Mold

In her post, Sarah Baker-Holtom (@house.of.holtom) explained that condensation is a natural build-up of moisture in the air, affecting most rooms in the home but predominantly bedrooms in the morning, kitchens, and bathrooms. She highlighted that ignoring this issue could cause black mold and build-up.

The Harmful DIY Cleaning Hack

Many internet users have turned to dish soap to tackle condensation around their windows. However, Sarah warned that this hack could do more harm than good. She revealed that while the soap may seem to repel water and eliminate condensation on the glass, it actually leads to the moisture gathering on walls, ceilings, and sills, accelerating mold growth.

Expert Tips for Removing Condensation

Rather than dispersing condensation, Sarah recommended effective methods for tackling the issue:

  • Drawing Water Away from Windows: Placing a small pot of rock salt, baking soda, or cat litter on a sill can effectively draw water away.
  • Opening Curtains and Blinds: By opening curtains and blinds early in the morning, trapped air that leads to condensation can be reduced.

  • Regularly Wiping Moisture: A morning routine of wiping away any moisture build-up can help prevent condensation from accumulating.

Additional Advice to Combat Condensation

Sarah also advised viewers to open windows regularly to improve ventilation, be cautious about placing houseplants near windows to avoid moisture traps, and invest in a water vacuum and dehumidifier to address condensation build-up.

Viewer Reactions

Sarah’s followers commended her advice, with many acknowledging the damaging effects of the viral cleaning hack and expressing gratitude for the helpful tips provided.

By following these expert recommendations and steering clear of harmful DIY trends, you can effectively combat condensation and prevent mold growth in your home.

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