Could Something Be Lurking Inside Your Couch? Snake, Opossum and iPhone Among Items Found in Different Sofas

Imagine finding a slithering creature coiled up in your sofa? It happened to one family in San Diego, California, who were aghast to lift a lumpy couch cushion to find a snake.

Their first call was to snake handler Alex Trajo, from So-Cal Rattlesnake Removal, who rushed to the house and immediately recognized the snake as a Vietnamese Blue Beauty. Trajo believed the snake most likely snuck in the family’s house through an open door or window.

The serpent is very defensive, smart and strong, and though not venomous, they will attack.

Another couple, Ryan and Colleen Shelley, found an opossum had made their couch its new home.

And Jamie Ryan was cleaning the sofa she bought on Craigslist and felt a lump that seemed to be deep inside.

“I had to flip it over and take the staples out,” Ryan told Inside Edition.

After digging into the couch, she discovered an iPhone.

“I was like, ‘Holy cow,’” she said. “I pulled it out and it was in perfect condition.”

The old iPhone had been buried inside the couch for years.

Though its battery was dead, the phone still worked. Ryan was able to track down the original owner.

“You never know what you’ll find, and this was certainly an experience of a lifetime,” she said.

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