Coda Makes History at The End Of A Chaotic Academy Awards Television Telecast


Coda Makes History at The End Of A Chaotic Academy Awards Television Telecast

Sometimes the right movie wins Best Picture. It’s rare. Hollywood politics, strategy marketing campaigns, and weighted voters can make film buffs scratch their heads at the conclusion of a lengthy ceremony. “Really? Green Book? Huh.”This year, however, was different. The right movie won this year after a shockingly unpredictable Academy Awards ceremony came to an end. This film is heartwarming and supportive. It’s about flying high thanks to the love of your loved ones. CodaI was awarded Best Picture of The Year.

It wasn’t going to go down like this. The Oscar race is a marathon with only a handful features winning. “frontrunner”Status at different times of the competition You can stream all the Best Picture nominees, if you haven’t yet. The tender Western was the most popular bet. The Power of the DogAnd Anyone who chose the filmJane Campion won the Oscar as Best Director.

But CodaThey prevailed, snatching two additional wins during the evening: Best Supporting Actor and Best Adapted Filmplay. And The movie was a success in the process, becoming the first movie in Academy history to come from a streaming service – AppleTV+, in this instance – and go on to win Best Picture. In recent years, streaming services have grown in popularity. Amazon Prime and Netflix are pushing hard for Oscar nominations. AppleTV+ has now been the first to receive the Best Picture trophy.

The independent film centers on a deaf family learning that their daughter – who has the ability to hear – wants to apply for a musical conservatory and pursue her talents for singing. It’s a small story, but an emotional honest one, giving us underdogs to root for, talents to appreciate, and perhaps most important, an underrepresented demographic to shine a brighter spotlight on. One of the most stunning moments in Sunday’s Oscars telecast was when a crowd of Hollywood stars signed a celebration for Troy Kotsur, as he made his way up to the podium to accept his Oscar.

Both the major studios as well as the streaming services continue to focus on representation. This is a win for everyone. CodaThe Best Picture Race proves that stories about underrepresented groups have as much draw power and relatability than any other tale, especially when told with the humor that is found in Coda. It is truly a unique film and easily one the best. Best AppleTV+ movies available on the streaming service, so if you haven’t yet made time to see it, see why it is one of the 2022 Academy Award winners.


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