Cassie Ventura reveals shocking 2016 video of alleged abuse by ex Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs

Shocking Footage Shows Cassie Ventura with Bruises After Alleged Assault by Diddy

48 Hours After Reported Attack, Cassie Sports Bruises

Cassie Ventura, the ex-girlfriend of Sean “Diddy” Combs, was spotted with multiple bruises on her body just two days after she claimed that the rapper physically assaulted her in a hotel hallway.

Cassie with Visible Bruises on Legs and Shoulder at Film Premiere

A bruise on Cassie’s left shoulder was visibly evident when she and Combs attended a film premiere just two days after the reported attack. Additionally, three clear bruises were spotted on her legs, further indicating signs of physical assault.

Assault Incident Mentioned in Lawsuit Against Diddy

In November 2023, Cassie mentioned the alleged March 5 assault in a lawsuit filed against Combs, where she detailed being punched in the face, resulting in a black eye. Photos from the premiere of The Perfect Match did not show a black eye on Cassie but revealed multiple bruises on her body.

Gut-Wrenching Footage of Assault Emerges

Disturbing surveillance footage showed Combs physically assaulting Cassie in a hotel hallway, throwing her to the ground and kicking her as she lay motionless. The footage captured the harrowing moments of the attack, with Cassie later trying to retrieve her belongings.

Lawsuit and Settlement Details

Cassie’s lawsuit also claimed that Combs paid the hotel $50,000 to conceal the footage of the assault. In the lawsuit, Cassie accused Combs of rape and other offenses. Shockingly, the entire lawsuit was settled a day after it was filed in federal court.

Denial of Allegations by Combs

Combs’ lawyer vehemently denied the allegations, stating that Cassie had persistently demanded $30 million from Combs, which was rejected. The claims were described as baseless and outrageous lies by Combs and his legal team.

Ongoing Controversies and Legal Battles

This incident is just one of many controversies surrounding Diddy, who has faced multiple lawsuits in recent years alleging sex trafficking and sexual assault. Denying all claims against him, Diddy has been embroiled in a series of legal battles involving serious accusations.

Federal Raids on Diddy’s Properties

Earlier this year, federal agents reportedly raided properties linked to Diddy, with dramatic video footage showing Homeland Security officers descending on a home in Los Angeles. The raids were criticized as an overuse of force, with Diddy later cooperating with authorities but denying any involvement in criminal activities.


Despite the troubling allegations and controversies surrounding Diddy, the rapper has consistently denied all claims, emphasizing his innocence amidst ongoing legal battles and scrutiny. The relationship between Diddy and Cassie has been marred by these serious accusations, highlighting the complex and turbulent nature of their past interactions.

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