California Hoarding House: Issues persist after initial clean-up: Report


One California neighborhood thought it was over. But, residents claim that it did not last.

“It just continues to get worse,” said neighbor Les Claypool. “Every time they know there is a city inspection coming up, they load up Uhauls and RV’s and take it all away, and then the stuff all comes back.”

According to a report, Los Angeles spent $12,000 to clean up the property in Granada Hills. However, neighbors claim that the debris and bags have piled up and created other problems since then.

“Especially at nighttime, we can see them when we are in the backyard — big dog-sized rats,”Raul Campos was another neighbor.

Reporter tried unsuccessfully to reach the owner of the home. The owners are due in court on December 12th for a hearing concerning code violations.

According to the city councilman, the homeowner refused to accept assistance. However, he said he would continue to search for solutions.


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