Bullet Train’s Brian Tyree Henry Hilariously Recalls Being Distracted By Brad Pitt’s ‘Beautiful’Blonde locks while filming


Bullet Train’s Brian Tyree Henry Hilariously Recalls Being Distracted By Brad Pitt’s ‘Beautiful’Blonde locks while filming

SPOILER WARNING – Not so fast! This article contains major spoilers to the film. Bullet Train. If you haven’t seen the film, proceed with caution!

This film is full of British sass, and creative violence that rivals Guy Ritchie action films. Bullet TrainThe film seems to have many potential distraction points for the people who worked on it. As far as one of the film’s stars Brian Tyree Henry goes, though, it was his co-star Brad Pitt who was the source of one hilarious distraction, and it wasn’t He wore the skirt to Bullet Train’s premiere. Apparently Pitt’s sandy locks were The source of some marvel for the Bullet TrainCastYes, I do.

While you may not expect Brad Pitt’s hair to be such a source of distraction from just looking at it in the film’s kick ass trailer, where it’s messily tucked under a bucket hat for the majority, but that long mop of hair sees some serious action in Bullet Train. There’s one scene in particular where those strands of gold attached to the A-Listers head stole the show, and I’m totally talking about that slow-mo train wreck scene.

Although I admit to having drooled a bit watching Brad Pitt fly through slow motion in the air, it was clear that Brian Tyree Henry had some difficulties containing his emotions while filming the scene. An exclusive interview with Comic Book, Henry explains that seeing Pitt’s hair so perfect in the crash scene almost made him want to punch the actor in the face. This is his version:

It’s really, let’s just say, distracting. It’s Brad Pitts hair. The last part of the movie, where Aaron’s character smashes through the glass. We’re supposed be traveling 200 miles an hour, and Brad Pitt’s wind fan is just right for Brad Pitt. I’d literally forget my cues, because I’m lost in his beautiful, wheat blonde hair. He’s so skilled at hair control, I felt like he knew when to whip it. It just made me want more.

It sounds like Brian Tyree Henry has a real love/hate relationship with Brad Pitt’s hair. Honestly, it probably helped him get into character even more, because that’s kind of the relationship his character has with Pitt’s Ladybug. The two go back and forth with each other, having an amicable enemy type of relationship, interestingly enough in a way similar to how Henry speaks about his feelings regarding Pitt’s long locks.

Brad Pitt’s hair 100% should have gotten its own credits. The sandy locks must have been written into the script at least, because they changed frequently from scene to scene, and were a decent part of Pitt’s persona throughout the film. There’s a scene in which he puts his hair up to really, purposefully get into the action, and the visual change from him wearing his bucket hat to Pitt in full fight mode is disarming for sure.

Brain Tyree Henry’s character wasn’t without his own charms, though. His obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine and the reaction it evoked with the other characters was equal to, if not the superior of, Brad Pitt’s luscious mop of hair.

If you haven’t yet seen the film and this all sounds a little strange to you, I totally get it. Bullet TrainIt is a strange mix of humor and action that combines characters. Some critics seem to have mixed feelings aboutAnd that We have to admit that it was a lot of chaos and fun. Bullet TrainIt is different from any other of its peers Films of 2022 that are new, and you can check it and Brad Pitt’s distracting hair out for yourself in theaters now.


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