Bruce Willis Rejects Reports of a Deal to Create a Digital Twin


Turns out you won’t be seeing a digital Bruce Willis anytime soon, as the retired actor has refuted reports that he has sold the rights to make a CGI version of himself to a Russian AI company.

Representatives from Willis will be present on Saturday BBC NewsThat the actor had “no partnership or agreement”Deepcake partnered with Russia to create a digital copy for himself using machine-learning technology. Deepcake confirmed that there was no deal. The deal was first reported in The Daily MailOn Sep. 27,

“Bruce couldn’t sell anyone any rights, they are his by default,”Deepcake spokeswoman

Bruce Willis to Step Away From Acting After Diagnosis of Cognitive Brain Disorder Aphasia

Willis announced his retirement from acting this past March after being diagnosed with aphasia, a brain disorder that progressively damages one’s ability to communicate through speech and writing. Willis and Deepcake collaborated to create the aforementioned book last year. “digital twin”Deepcake claims that he was used in an advertisement for Megafon, a Russian telecom company.

Artificial intelligence has been used to create retired entertainers. Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg performed alongside holograms of Tupac Shakur at Coachella 2012. 2014 animated/live-action hybrid drama “The Congress”Robin Wright, a fictionalized version herself, explored the idea and sold the rights to a Hollywood studio so that she could create a digital copy of herself for future films.

Just this week, Vanity Fair reported that James Earl Jones, a 91-year old actor, has granted Lucasfilm and Ukrainian AI company Respeecher permission to record his voice in order to recreate his Darth Vader performance in the future. “Star Wars”Films and TV series after he retired from his role. Respeecher’s work was heard this year in the Disney+ series “Obi-Wan Kenobi.”


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