Bruce Springsteen Touching Performance at the 9/11 Memorial! I’ll See You In My Dreams


Bruce Springsteen performed on Saturday at the World Trade Center plaza during a memorial to the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Springsteen chose to perform “I’ll See You in My Dreams, “A song is taken from his most recent album A letter to you. Springsteen accompanied himself on guitar and harmonica. After Springsteen performed the song, his family gathered around him with guitar and harmonica. continued reading The names of the dead, a tradition that started on the first anniversary of September 11, 2001.

Former Presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden attended the ceremony. Biden, who will also be visiting the other locations of the attacks in Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon on Friday, did not speak. The White House instead released a video Friday in which Biden paid tributes to the victims’ families. “No matter how much time has passed, and these commemorations bring everything painfully back as if you just got the news a few seconds ago,” Biden spoke in the clip. “And so on this day, Jill and I hold you close in our hearts and send you our love.”

Springsteen, who was devastated by the September 11 terrorist attacks, responded with the 2002 album “The Album”. The Rising. The album includes the title track. “Mary’s Place,” “Lonesome Day,” “Countin’ on a Miracle,” “My City of Ruins” And “Waitin’ on a Sunny Day.” “The Rising”Springsteen’s Broadway one-man show featured him.

Performance of “My City of Ruins” was included on September 21, 2001: A Tribute to HeroesWith members from the E Street Band. “The air was very charged, “Layonne Holmes performed with Springsteen and told The Daily Beast recently. Asbury Park Press. “People were aware of the gravity of the whole situation and for us in particular because we were first to perform. I remember the set being dark and there were all these candles and the cameras and then we were on.”

Bruce Springsteen Touching Performance at the 9/11 Memorial! I'll See You In My Dreams

“The Rising”This is the story about firefighterrs who scaled the Twin Towers’ stars to save anyone in need. The lyrics reflect their ascent to heaven. “One of the most powerful images of the 11th, that I’d read in the paper, some of the people coming down were talking about the emergency workers who were ascending, “Springsteen claimed that NightlineAfter The RisingIt was published. “The idea of those guys going up the stairs, up the stairs, ascending, ascending. I mean you could be ascending a smoky staircase; you could be in the afterlife, moving on.”

On Saturday, Springsteen received positive Twitter reviews. “That sad sound of a lonely musical instrument playing while names are being read at New York #911Anniversary is absolutely haunting. Thank you, Bruce Springsteen, “One fan Write. “I teared up at that point, “Another Write.