Brody Dalle’s Boyfriend Said Josh Homme Tried To Toss Him Over Balcony


Brody Dalle’s boyfriend Gunner Foxx says Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme threatened his life during a “terrifying”Santa Eve: A confrontation in a California mall

Foxx started dating Dalle a full year after filing for divorce from Homme in 2019. A court filing detailing the alleged incident led a judge in granting an emergency stay-away order.

The boyfriend claims he was inside an Apple Store at the Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks the afternoon of Dec. 24 when Homme allegedly approached him from behind, pressed his chest against Foxx’s body, and said, “I’m going to kill you, you fucking pussy.”

Foxx, 38 years old, claims that Homme was waiting outside when he left the second-floor shop after he backed away from the exchange. He claims Homme “lunged”At him, threatened “throw”According to his petition, he climbed onto the balcony and grabbed the right arm of the victim.

“He then attempted to use the momentum of his upper body combined with his grip on my arm to throw me over the rail. I could feel one of his fingernails digging sharply into my hands. In that moment I truly felt that he was going to throw me over the balcony to my death,”Foxx wrote the following in his sworn declaration. In his petition, he included a photo showing the injury.

Gunner Foxx Hand Injury

Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles

“lt was an indescribable terrifying and surreal experience to have someone try to take your life,”He wrote the following in court filing. It also included a copy the Ventura Police Department officer who received his report on the day of the alleged incident, which Foxx had granted him an emergency protective order.

Reps for Homme did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday.

For months, the Queens of the Stone Age founder was locked in a bitter child custody dispute with Dalle. He is allegedly called Foxx. “alienator”During the Christmas Eve meeting

“I haven’t seen my kids in three months and it’s your fucking fault!”According to some, Homme “screamed”According to the petition, Foxx was seen outside the Apple Store.

Homme, 48, filed a petition for a civil harassment restraining order against Foxx on Nov. 12, claiming his ex-wife’s live-in boyfriend was intentionally interfering in his relationships and custodial time with his two young sons.

Foxx, he claims, filed “fraudulent, forged documents”In September, the boys were seeking restraining orders against Homme. “driving a wedge”Between him and his kids “restrictive gatekeeping.”February 2nd will be the hearing for the petition.

“I have been really scared and worried for Gunner’s safety since we started dating,”Dalle stated in a statement that Rolling StoneTuesday “He’s been targeted in a terrifying way. He is a loving, nurturing, protective dad to his own little girls and an incredibly positive, loving and protective father figure to my kids. He’s sober and clean eight years and an active member in his community. We love each other and have an amazing and loving blended family together. No one should ever live every day worried about their safety or the safety of their loved ones. I cannot wait for the day that all of this is behind us.”

Homme, 43, had already filed criminal contempt against Dalle. She claimed she had violated a court order. “failing” to turn over the couple’s three minor children for his custodial time.

After two months’ worth of legal wrangling, and a bench trial Foxx attended every day with Dalle at the Los Angeles County courthouse, a Los Angeles County judge found Dalle guilty of one count. “willfully” violating a court order by not delivering the couple’s 5-year-old son to Homme on Sept. 3.

In a series of other related rulings, he found that the couple’s 15-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son resisted visits with Homme of their own accord, citing Homme’s struggles with sobriety and his alleged threats against Dalle and Foxx.

Even though jail time was possible for Dalle, he was sentenced to 60 hours community service and a $1,000 penalty.

“I’m relieved by the court’s decision. I don’t believe anyone should go to jail or pick up trash for protecting her children,”She shared her story Rolling StoneAfter the hearing. “As a mother, I will always put my children first and protect them at all costs.”

Homme stated that he was a good person and is ready to serve the sentence. “willing to take responsibility for things that I do,”He wanted, but he didn’t. “justice”And “one set of rules for both sides.”

“I’ve suffered a lot of parental alienation in a short period of time,” Homme said. “This family is in grave danger and so fractured and ripped apart. All I want to do is see my kids. I want my mother to see her grandkids. I want my father to see his grandkids.”

A hearing involving the ex-couple’s dueling restraining orders against each other is set for Jan. 24.


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