Brits face chaos as anti-tourist protests swarm Ibiza and Majorca airport


Brits Heading to Ibiza this Weekend May Face Major Turmoil – Anti-tourist Protests Intensify

Brits heading to Ibiza this bank holiday weekend could face major carnage as anti-tourist protests are set to flood the popular hotspot. Hundreds of fuming demonstrators have taken to the Spanish paradise’s streets to vent their anger as others vowed to cause chaos at the busy Majorca airport.

Flood of Anti-Tourist Demonstrators in Ibiza

A group of about 1,000 campaigners held up banners saying “We don’t want an island of cement” and “Tourism, yes but not like this” as they assembled outside Ibiza Council’s HQ. They expressed their discontent with the tourist influx affecting their quality of life and the island’s authenticity. These sentiments will come to a head when the protesters cause chaos at Palma Airport this evening in one of the largest demonstrations in the Canary Islands.

Tourists vs. Locals – The Battle for Ibiza

The main focus of the march is the housing affordability issue for locals in Majorca, as holiday rentals command higher prices, making it difficult for residents to find homes for rent or sale. In response, protesters plan to spotlight all dimensions of tourist saturation deemed harmful to Majorca’s well-being.

Tourist Imposition on Local Lives

The anti-tourist sentiment in Spain has been swelling recently, with areas like Ibiza, Tenerife, and Girona witnessing demonstrations demanding actions from authorities. Locals feel there are too many cars on roads, congestion, crowded beaches, and overall an unsustainable influx of tourists.

Taking a Stand Against Mass Tourism

Groups like Més turisme, menys vida (More tourism, less life) in Majorca are rallying against the overwhelming tourist presence, aiming to protect the island’s authenticity and residents’ quality of life. The dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs has reached such a peak that protests and anti-tourist measures are increasingly common across Europe.

Harsh Measures Against Tourist Overload

In Barcelona, Girona, Benidorm, and other popular destinations, measures are being proposed to combat over-tourism, including restrictions on cruise ships and foreign residents. The sentiment is clear – residents want to preserve the charm and beauty of their locales, which is being eroded by an onslaught of tourists.


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