Britney Spears’ Exes Speak Out About Britney


Britney Spears' Exes Speak Out About Britney

Britney Spears, NSYNC’s Justin Timberlake, were the hottest popstar power couples in the late 90s and early ’00s. Although the young lovers seemed like a wholesome duo, Timberlake hid a shady side. Timberlake split with Spears in 2009. “SexyBack”The singer trashed his ex in numerous interviews.

Timberlake released the music clip for his song after the couple split in 2002. “Cry Me A River,”This song featured a Britney doppelganger cheating with him. Timberlake admitted in 2011 that the song was about Spears. This was something he had long denied. HuffPost.

He also took a dig at his ex-acting career in 2002. “If she had a clue, she wouldn’t have made [‘Crossroads’],”He spoke to Details (via). MTV). He also spoke out about the couple’s sex in a Hot 97 radio interview. He answered that he did not perform oral sex with Spears when he was asked. “I did it. I’m dirty,”Per GQ.

And it didn’t stop there. 2013 was the year he appeared to trash Spears and declared, “Sometimes in life, you think you found the one. Then you find out that she was just a b****,”Per The TelegraphHe denies that he was referring Brit, however. Timberlake has Since apologizedFor shaming Spears and speaking out against her conservatorship. “Regardless of our past, good and bad … what’s happening to her is just not right,”He Tweet. “No woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body.”


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