Britney Spears Allegedly Triggering Fears With ‘Starvation Diet,’ Sketchy Report Says


It is Britney SpearsAre you a starving woman? According to one report, “Baby One More Time”Singer is dangerously underweight Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Britney’s Toxic Hunger Games!’

The following is the National Enquirer, “aging”Britney is turning heads thanks to her slim figure. She’s down to 130 pounds thanks to what Spears called on Instagram “my own fitness regime that includes fasting for days.”Spears created: “I’ve done four days with just snacks here and there. It was extremely hungry, but I did experience the most amazing high I’ve ever witnessed with no food.”

Sources say that Spears may be suffering from an eating disorder. “She seems to be flirting with anorexia,”According to one source, “this is the kind of thing that put her under a conservatorship in the first place.”Many are worried that Spears could spiral out-of-control if the conservatorship is not in place. “Starving yourself like this is another pathway to destruction,”According to one source.

Sam Asghari is her apparent reason for dieting. According to a source, Spears is “self-conscious about their age difference and wants to look as young and cute for him as she can.”A medical expert warns that restricting your diet could cause far more harm than benefits. “Starving yourself only puts your health in danger.”

Britney Spears Is Okay?

If you were to task an AI with generating a tabloid story, you’d probably end up with something exactly like this. The Get in touch pulled out all the stops: body shaming, age shaming, relationship questioning, and outright support of Spears’ horrific conservatorship. It portrays dieting as life-threatening hunger. This is absurd.

After all the hell she’s been through, Spears is finally allowed to do whatever she damn well pleases. If this means losing weight, mazel tov. Before Spears deactivated her Instagram, her final posts famously left little to the imagination, and she didn’t look unhealthy at all.

Spears has been fine healthwise since December. The doctor in this story has pointedly never treated Spears, so that’s just reckless speculation based on carefully chosen photographs. The “Toxic” singer is the healthiest she’s been, physically and mentally, in a very long time.

A common goal

Britney Spears was supposed host a $1,000,000 freedom bash at this outlet to celebrate her conservatorship’s end. It never took place. Spears was once accused of cheating Asghari while she was in a mental facility. They are still together, though he never claimed to have done that.

The 2019 edition Get in touchHer body was attacked in a completely different manner. It announced that Spears’ body was ballooning due to pregnancy. This story proves that Spears cannot look like these vultures.

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