Boris Johnson Documentary Series on Channel 4


The race to replace him heats up and Channel 4 announced plans to produce a documentary series about Boris Johnson, the outgoing U.K. prime minster.

The series is in four parts, with the working title “Boris,”The episodes will be one-hour long. “piece together rare archive footage alongside interviews with friends and foes with intimate knowledge of Johnson to help reveal his true character,”Per the Press Association. It will examine how political rivalry started in Eton, where Johnson defeated David Cameron to the position of school captain. The campaign by Johnson for being student president at Oxford led to his rise to power.

Channel 4 chief content officer Ian Katz said: “However the story of Boris Johnson’s political career ends, he has done more to change Britain and the nature of our politics than any other recent political figure. This landmark series will try answer the question of what shaped the boy who wanted to be king of the world and how he grew to believe that he could escape the laws of political gravity.”

Alf Lawrie and Tim Hancock commissioned the series for Channel 4 and it is a 72 Films production.“The Trump Show”).

Michael Winterbottom’s drama series “This England,”Sky will broadcast the film in the fall, which stars Kenneth Branagh as Johnson. After Channel 4 last week and ITV on Sunday, on Tuesday Sky News will host the next debate among the Conservative party contenders for U.K. prime minister — Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Penny Mordaunt, Kemi Badenoch and Tom Tugendhat.


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