Border Collie’s Death Sheds Light on Rare Danger of Water Intoxication in Dogs


The recent death of a beloved border collie serves as a warning for pet owners on the rare danger of water intoxication.

On a scorching summer day, taking a dip in the pool is a great way to cool off for both people and animals, including Jessie Weninger’s 18-month-old puppy named Winter.

Winter loved splashing around in a kiddie pool to beat the heat, but sadly died after gulping up too much water.

Suddenly, Weninger noticed something strange.

“He started getting a bit tired. Then he was kind of wanting to go back inside, so I opened the door and he took a few steps and he threw up about the size of a round dinner table — that much water just in one go,” Weninger said.

The pup went rapidly downhill at the vet.

Veterinarian Dr. Timnah Lee emphasizes that water intoxication in dogs is rare, but real. Lee
says if your dog likes the water, the way Winter did, you should know the warning signs.

“You want to watch out for any lethargy more than normal. You want to watch out for any drooling, vomiting, diarrhea,” Lee said.

Experts say not to be afraid to let your dog enjoy the summer, just be aware if they’re drinking a bit too much.

If you suspect your dog may have water intoxication, get them to a vet immediately, the American Kennel Club warned.


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