Blacklist Fans agree this is the Best Character…after Red

Blacklist Fans agree this is the Best Character...after Red

Sure, “The Blacklist”Is essentially “The Red Show,” but that hasn’t stopped many fans from loving another character — one that, as it happens, hangs around Red even more than your average “The Blacklist” character. Red’s right-hand man and bodyguard, Dembe Zuma (Hisham Takfiq), stands by him through thick and thin, at least for the most part. Dembe has shown his worth as an bodyguard many times. But he also shows hidden depths throughout the course of the series. Dembe’s well-rounded character is also very well-received. Reddit.

“No matter how things end, if there’s one character who deserves a happy ending on this show its definitely Dembe,” u/jayt00212 wrote. “His backstory was inspiring,” u/LlBlueDevil_7opined, referring to Dembe’s extremely tragic childhood and the way Red helped him rise from his awful beginnings to a well-learned, multilingual and highly capable person with hidden depths to spare. Red was also praised by many of his fans, who noted the fun and hilarious interactions they had over the course the series. Another Reddit threadDembe is, in my opinion, one of the greatest supporting characters. Yet anotherHe is considered one of the most memorable characters on any television show.

Dembe’s character is deeply rooted in Red. Much of the love between them comes from their interactions, so it wouldn’t be an understatement to call him “the most popular” character on the show. Still, it’s clear that fans rank him very high.This probably isn’t exactly hurt by the fact that Tawfiq is an American hero in real life, as he’s a former Marine, and a firefighter who worked at Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks. “He’s a true hero & friend. On & off screen, I’m sure,” u/pkgetz1088 wrote.

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