Baby thriving after mum whose waters broke at 20 weeks rejects medical advice to have abortion


A PREGNANT mum urged to abort after her waters broke at 20 weeks, had her baby ten weeks later and he has thrived.

Little Chester Rice was given only a one per cent chance of survival and was born to mum Ann weighing just 1lb 8oz.

Chester Rice was given only a one per cent chance of survival and was born to mum Ann weighing just 1lb 8oz

Chester Rice was given only a one per cent chance of survival and was born to mum Ann weighing just 1lb 8oz

Ann was told she would naturally miscarry after her waters broke and was sent home with just antibiotics - now her baby is happy and healthy

Ann was told she would naturally miscarry after her waters broke and were sent home with just antibiotics – now her baby is happy and healthy

The mum of three was told she would naturally miscarry after her waters broke and were sent home with just antibiotics.

Ann said: “I was told to rest until I miscarried and my baby wouldn’t survive past 48 hours.”

She added: “Another doctor said, ‘We advise you to terminate as there was a risk to my life.”

But Ann, 36, and her husband Chris, 38, went ahead and Chester is now nine months old.

The tot has lung disease and needs oxygen.

But Ann added: “He’s happy, he’s a lovely little boy. He’s always smiling, even after everything he’s gone through.”

Little People’s Tori Roloff shares a video of adorable daughter Lilah Ray, 1, giggling after star’s miscarriage heartbreak.