Audrey Roloff Celebrates Daughter’s Big Milestone


Audrey Roloff Celebrates Daughter's Big Milestone

Little People, Big World alum Audrey Roloff shares a significant milestone that her daughter Ember just celebrated. Audrey shared photos of Ember on Instagram from her first day at school. Audrey posted adorable photos of Ember from her first day of school. Audrey also included a fun photobomb scene from Bode, Audrey’s young son. Audrey shares Ember with her husband, Jeremy Roloff. They are also expecting their third child in November.

Audrey posted several photos of Ember posing outside their house with a sign that read, “Ember’s First Day of School.” The sign also showcased her age, 4, and the date, Sept. 14. Ember was dressed in a pink dress with brown cowboy boots and braids on her first school day. Alongside the photos, Audrey wrote, “Excitement was at an all-time high in our house this morning!”Audrey Roloff Celebrates Daughter's Big Milestone

Audrey also pointed out that her son made an appearance in the photos. Ember was holding her first day of school sign. Bode took the lead in the photos. Bode was seen peering out of a window next to the front door. The little one’s antics made fans laugh. Married at First Sight star Jamie Otis even wrote, “It’s little brothers Scrunched up face in the window behind her that does it for me!”

While Audrey and Jeremy’s oldest child is growing up, they’ll soon have another Roloff to raise. The couple announced in July that they were expecting their third child together. The pair shared that their little “tiebreaker” will arrive in November. Audrey and Jeremy got married in 2014. Ember Jean was their first child. She was born in September 2017. They would welcome their second child Ember Jean in September 2017. Audrey and Jeremy had shared their plans to grow their family a few months prior. The mom-of-two posted a special message on Instagram regarding motherhood. She sent a heartfelt message to all mothers on Mother’s Day.

“Mother’s Day was so sweet this year celebrating with my mom, mother-in-love, and the little blessings who made me a mama,” She wrote at that time. “I’m so grateful for all the things my mom has taught and continues to teach me. Life doesn’t come with a manual; instead, it comes with moms [winky face emoji], And my mom has been far more than a manual for me. She is a ‘nonesuch’ and a beautiful example of all the things I desire to be as a mom.”