Are You Short on Space? These Cozy Backyards Remind You That Size Doesn’t Matter


You can extend your living space to your backyard, which will give you the extra space you need to unwind and relax. Even if the space you have is small, you can make it feel like an extension to your home.

Social media and magazines are known for displaying large backyards with expansive gardens and huge patios. But, that’s just not the reality for many of us. Whether you’re a city-dweller, condo or townhouse occupant, or you just don’t have acres of land to design, you can still have a cute and cozy outside space.

It can be difficult to find the right design for your outdoor space and lifestyle. It’s all about a balance between functional and cute that will ensure you have an area in which you can relax and de-stress. Scroll on for some inspiration for your own backyard oasis, even if you’re tight on space.

Insta Inspo

String lights, puppy dog, and a baby to snuggle? Never leave your backyard again

It’s ideal to have a small pool in a small area. Even in neutral tones, it’s fun!

A couple of chairs and an outdoor rug make a cozy courtyard look charming.

Are you short on space? No worries! No worries!

Even if you have a small balcony, a hanging chair with some plants can make it more inviting.

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With potted succulents, you don’t have to worry about watering your garden every day.

You can enjoy your morning coffee on a deck that has plenty of furniture or in a vertical garden.

Or you can convert your backyard into an inground spa. This design has nothing to be unhappy about.

A hammock is all you need.

Forget about grass. A platform deck is the ideal place to dance on an impromptu basis.

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