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Apple May Be Releasing a Smart Ring: What You Need to Know

Apple’s Smart Ring: A New Wearable Gadget in the Works

APPLE could follow Samsung’s suit and make a new wearable gadget, according to reports.

The health tracking device has been previously patented by the tech giant – but new reports claim it could be in the making now.

Apple’s Rumored Smart Ring Release

Apple might be developing a smart ring that users can wear on their finger to monitor their health and fitness metrics.

The US-based company has filed for a patent for “a wearable electronic ring” back in 2019, and little has been known about it since.

But a new report by the Korean media outlet ET news suggested that Apple might be developing the ring for release in a near future.

According to an industry insider, Apple’s plans for commercialization of the product seem to be “imminent”.

And it comes not long after Samsung has teased the Galaxy ring at its latest launch event in the US.

Design and Features

Apple’s patent is titled “Devices, methods, and user interfaces for a wearable electronic ring computing device.”

It includes drawings of the potential design and lists intended features like a rechargeable power source and a wireless transceiver.

The design for the finger ring includes a touchscreen, voice command, hand gesture control and more.

The ring device could be used to control your other devices without touching them – especially in a dangerous situation to get help.

The Future of Smart Rings

But with Samsung and Apple joining the market, it could soon change.

Oura rings have laid out the groundwork in the market when they first introduced the gadget in 2016.

The Oura Ring has research-grade sensors that track heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), personalised temperature, activity, stress and sleep monitoring technology.

But the device can be pricey and requires a monthly membership alongside the ring.

Although the compact nature of smart rings is appealing, they have less to offer than smart watches for a higher price tag.


It seems like the tech world is excited about the potential of smart rings, with both Apple and Samsung making strides in this area. As the competition heats up, we can expect to see more innovations and improvements in these wearable gadgets in the near future.


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