Android warns all users about ‘battery killers’ mistakes that can quickly drain your phone’s battery


An ANDROID can hold a charge for approximately seven hours of screen time, but users can get more by avoiding certain battery-killing hazards.

While more battery can come at the price of lesser features, it’s still a fair deal.

Get more out of your Android battery by making a few key adjustments


Make a few key adjustments to get the most out of your Android battery


You can change some settings, but not all of them.

Keyboard haptics are little nudges you get from your phone when typing and tapping. They will charge the battery.

A 2017 StudyA study of haptic technology found that haptics used about 1% of the battery during 30 minutes of gaming.

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Although bonus keyboard features may not be essential for streaming, messaging and playing music, they are an added feature that many users cannot live without.

Although the study found that haptics use less battery power than previously thought, you never know when your phone will run out of juice and you’ll need it to send a message, call a ride or make a payment.

To disable haptics go to Settings, then tap Accessibility.

Scroll down to Interaction controls, click Vibration strength and haptic strength, and then toggle off touch feedback.

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Turn off sensors

According to the AndroidWebsiteHardware sensors “measure motion, orientation, and various environmental conditions.”

However, these can be dismantled to save the battery.

“As a best practice you should always disable sensors you don’t need, especially when your activity is paused,” Android’s blog explains.

“Failing to do so can drain the battery in just a few hours because some sensors have substantial power requirements and can use up battery power quickly.”

Be aware that disabling these sensor could cause issues with other apps, such as your camera.

To turn off the sensors, you will need to go to Settings, then System.

Time lock

Every phone needs energy to function.

The battery will be subtly tugged if your phone is on for a prolonged time before going to sleep.

Contact us for assistance AsurionIt is recommended that you set the timer for your phone to go to sleep between 30 seconds – 1 minute.

Go to Settings, tap Display, then Screen timeout.

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Always juice up your Android with a manufacturer-approved cord and power block.

You’ll also be charging less frequently if you use our battery-saving and charger guides.


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