Andrew Wiggins’ request denied for COVID-19 vaccine exemption


Andrew Wiggins’ status for the upcoming NBA season was thrown into question Friday when the league denied his request for a religious exemption from San Francisco’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Wiggins will not be able to play in Golden State Warriors home games at the Chase Center “until he fulfills the city’s vaccination requirements,” the NBA said in a statement announcing the denial. San Francisco began last month requiring that everyone older than 12 years must show proof of vaccination before they can enter bars, clubs, and gyms. October 13th will see the establishments require proof of vaccination for employees and staff. This includes players.

Wiggins has refused to receive the COVID vaccine. Earlier this year, he said he wouldn’t unless “forced.”

“I don’t really see myself getting it any time soon unless I’m forced to somehow,” Wiggins said in March. “Other than that, I’m good.”

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The NBA players union has not required its members to be vaccinated, but the league has strongly encouraged players to do so. To try and entice players who aren’t vaccinated, the league’s safety and health protocols for the 2021-22 season give more freedoms to those who have been vaccinated than to those who have not.

Players who are not vaccinated will be permitted to play. However, they must be tested every day for travel, practices, as well as on game days. Daily testing will not apply to fully vaccinated players.

Golden State will have its Media Day on Monday, and an open training camp on Tuesday. The Trail Blazers play their first preseason match on Oct. 4, in Portland. The Denver Nuggets host their first home preseason match on Oct. 6. The Warriors will begin their regular season against the Los Angeles Lakers on Oct. 19. The Warriors’ home opener against the Los Angeles Clippers is Oct. 21.