Amy Schumer’s son is among those affected by RSV


Amy Schumer is a comedian who has us laughing with her comedy skits, standup routines and romcom movies. However, the comedian isn’t joking about the respiratory syncytial virus, better known as RSV. It’s a virus that has infected her three-year-old son, Gene.

Schumer isn’t the only parent whose child is struggling with RSV. Numerous parents are seeking support to care for their sick children.

According to the National Foundation for Infectious DiseasesRSV is very similar to the flu. Except for infants and older adults with compromised immune systems, the virus is not usually life-threatening. Scientific AmericanWarnsThe main sign that warrants hospitalization is difficulty breathing.

Speaking of which, hospitals are starting to see a surge in cases of young children, such as Schumer’s son. The young toddler was able to get treatment at the hospital and is now well.

‘The Hardest Week Of My Life’

In an Instagram post, the actress described what it was like to have a son in the hospital. “This was the hardest week of my life. I missed Thursday rehearsals when my son was rushed to ER and admitted for RSV. Shout out to all the parents going through this right now. I got to be with him the whole day at the hospital,”The actress continued.

She continued by saying that Gene is, thankfully. “home and better now,”Giving credit and thanks for the work of the nurses and doctors at the hospital.

Schumer also shared his feelings about being a victim to the misadventures. SNL rehearsals. Apparently, “the crew and the beautiful humans at @nbcsnl couldn’t have been more supportive,”The comedian laughed.

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“The reason this show is so fun to do isn’t actually the performance or the show itself. It’s getting to spend time with the people there. The cast and the writers of course but the people who are behind the scenes making it run smooth are my favorite.”

The actress thanked everyone for their support. “The crew! Donna. Jerry. Jodi. Genna. Tom Wally and on and on. Lorne has assembled the most talented people with the kindest hearts,”Schumer wrote. “Thank you everyone there.”

We’re so glad that little Gene is safe and healthy now. While RSV is mostly treatable, it’s still a serious virus, and preventative measures are especially important during cold and flu season. It’s advisable not to let those outside the home kiss your young ones and to teach them the importance of frequent hand-washing!

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