Amber Heard’s Sister Expected To Testify In Trial, But Heard And Johnny Depp’s Legal Teams Will Likely Want To Talk About Very Different Moments


Amber Heard’s Sister Expected To Testify In Trial, But Heard And Johnny Depp’s Legal Teams Will Likely Want To Talk About Very Different Moments

There are celebrity divorce proceedings, and then there’s the saga that’s been unfolding over the years for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Their legal battle has really heated up, as the defamation trial in Virginia rages on and includes wild testimonies from both actors and their teams. And the actress’ sister is expected to follow suit and testify in the trial, but Heard and Depp’s legal teams will likely want to talk about very different moments.

Johnny Depp’s defamation trial against Amber Heard is on break for the week, but that hasn’t stopped the headlines from rolling in for the countless fans who are invested in the situation. While the Aquaman actress is expected to take the stand once more, EW is reporting that so is her sister Whitney Henriquez. She was previously involved in the libel case across the pond, and smart money says that each legal team will question her on different events.

For Amber Heard’s team, the questioning will likely be about the time Whitney Henriquez allegedly saw her sister with bruises on her face. She’s potentially a huge witness, as Johnny Depp has denied ever being physical with his ex-wife. What’s more, he’s even alleged that she faked injuries with makeup and took photo “proof” in order to set him up.

While Whitney Henriquez’s upcoming testimony has the potential to be a game changer for Amber Heard’s defense, Johnny Depp’s team will also get to cross examine her. And it seems logical that his lawyers might question her about the one time that Amber Heard admitted she allegedly hit her ex-husband while he had a conflict with Henriquez. As Heard previously told the story through her testimony:

[Whitney’s] back was to the staircase, and Johnny swings at her. And I swung at him. In all of my relationship to date with Johnny, I hadn’t landed a blow. And I, for the first time, hit him — like, actually hit him. Square in the face. He didn’t push my sister down the stairs.

As such, the stakes seem high for whenever Whitney Henriquez takes the stand in the ongoing defamation trial in Virginia. Both teams of lawyers have the potential to land a win if their questioning goes right. Luckily we’ll be able to see it all shake out, as the proceedings are available on television.

Of course, Amber Heard’s sister isn’t the only high profile witness who is expected to take the stand when the action in the courtroom resumes. Actress Ellen Barkin is also expected to testify as an ex of Johnny Depp. The Drop Dead Gorgeous star previously alleged that he once threw a wine bottle at her in a hotel room while they were dating in the ‘90s. Depp has denied this claim, maintaining she’s holding a grudge against them. Still, Barkin’s expected to be a potential ally for Heard and her team.

Professionally, Johnny Depp has recently started booking new film roles, while Amber Heard will appear in Aquaman 2 on March 17th, 2023. In the meantime, check out the 2022 movie release dates to plan your next movie experience.


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