Amazon could soon begin work on the Mass Effect series


EA and Amazon Studios might reach a new deal. Mass EffectPrime Video has TV series.

Recent adaptations like The Wheel of TimeAmazon series could result in more TV shows that are based on popular franchises. The most prominent on that list is Mass EffectBioWare has created the popular sci-fi RPG,. If these reports prove to be true, it could be a great time to get to work on a series based on the game’s universe. BioWare just published Mass Effect: Legendary EditionThis year, all three main games are remastered into one package.

Amazon could be making a deal. Mass EffectTelevision series

Mass Effect reaper ship

According to a report from DeadlineAmazon and EA have reached a deal. Amazon would be able to create a series that is based on the universe created by EA through this deal. Mass EffectVideo games

Amazon and EA haven’t shared any details about the deal as of yet, and it hasn’t even been finalized. As such, we’re unsure exactly what the show will be about. It could tell the story of Commander Sheperd, the Normandy crew and other characters like the games. Amazon could also tell a new story, with completely different characters, if it really wants to explore all of the universe.

There’s a lot of material to work with in the first trilogy of games. Amazon could also explore what the sequel series has to offer, which was launched with Mass Effect: Andromeda. Amazon will have to work hard no matter what story it chooses to tell if they close a deal. Mass EffectAmazon needs to adapt to its fan base, which is very protective of the universe.

They keep making movies and TV shows about video games

Mass Effect - Garus close up

Naturally Mass Effect isn’t the only video game franchise to get the TV treatment. Amazon is also developing a videogame adaptation of the franchise. Fallout games. Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, creators of the series, are involved in it. WestworldBehind it. HBO is also adapting The Last of Us for television, which is set to follow the game’s main characters and faithfully tell the story of the first game.

On the big screen, we’ve also seen a fair share of video game adaptions with even more set to come. Sony is nearly ready to release its movie based on Naughty Dog’s Uncharted franchise. The movie stars Tom Holland, of Spider-Man fame, as Nathan Drake.

It’s not uncommon for video games, comics, and books to become the source of TV or movie adaptions. That doesn’t mean that every adaption is good, though. Amazon will have a lot of work ahead of it if EA and Amazon agree to a deal. It will need to deliver something that is faithful to the original. Mass EffectUniverse fans have come to love and know the universe.


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