Alfonso Ribeiro reveals how playing Carlton Banks on Fresh Prince nearly ended his acting career

The Alfonso Ribeiro Story: From Fresh Prince’s Cousin to Dancing with the Stars Host

Alfonso Ribeiro has shared the highs and lows of his career, particularly his time playing Will Smith’s cousin on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The actor recently opened up about the impact the iconic sitcom had on his life.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Days: Blessing and Curse

Alfonso Ribeiro’s portrayal of Carlton Banks on the NBC comedy in the early ’90s earned him fame and adoration from fans. However, he admitted that playing Carlton had its downsides. In a candid interview with Closer Weekly, Ribeiro revealed, “Playing Carlton on ‘Fresh Prince’ became a sacrifice.”

Alfonso’s Journey Post Fresh Prince: Career Sacrifice

Ribeiro further elaborated on the challenges he faced after his stint as Carlton, stating that the role nearly derailed his acting career. He expressed, “It was one of the greatest roles that I ever was fortunate enough to play, but it was also the role that stopped me from acting again because people couldn’t see me as anything else.”

Hosting Success: Alfonso’s New Chapter

While Ribeiro may have stepped away from acting, he found a new niche as the host of Dancing with the Stars. Embracing his hosting duties, he shared, “I’m enjoying being a host and am very happy with it.” He also highlighted the fantastic chemistry he shares with his co-host, Julianne Hough.

Future Possibilities: Acting Revival?

Despite his contentment with hosting, Ribeiro hinted at a possible return to acting if the right opportunity presents itself. His versatility and talent are undeniable, leaving the door open for a potential comeback to the acting world.

Dynamic Duo: Alfonso and Julianne’s On-Screen Chemistry

Alfonso Ribeiro and Julianne Hough’s on-screen chemistry is a sight to behold, evident in their captivating performances on Dancing with the Stars. Their camaraderie and energy have captivated audiences, solidifying their status as a beloved hosting duo.

In conclusion, Alfonso Ribeiro’s journey from portraying Carlton on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to shining as a host on Dancing with the Stars showcases his versatility and enduring appeal in the entertainment industry. Despite the challenges he faced, Ribeiro continues to evolve and thrive in his career, leaving a lasting impact on fans worldwide.

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