Adam Levine: Adam Levine, Accuser, explains Why She Opened up About Dirty Messages That The Maroon 5 Crooner Alludely Sent


Adam Levine: Adam Levine, Accuser, explains Why She Opened up About Dirty Messages That The Maroon 5 Crooner Alludely Sent

Sumner Stroh has spoken out about Adam Levine’s alleged relationship with him, and even the claim that he asked for his forgiveness. Use her name to refer to his third childBehati Prinsloo with her husband Four other women also came forwardThe Maroon 5 frontman was then allegedly sent messages to Levine, and he received receipts. However, one accusation was not the same as the others. It was that Levine allegedly had an interaction over 10 years before Levine got married. Alanna Zabel, a yoga instructor, explained why it was important to speak up now, even after all these many years.

The following are some of the highlights. “Payphone”The singer admitted that she used “poor judgment”If he talks to his wife in flirtatious ways, Adam Levine denied having an affairSumner Stroh then shared supposed screenshots from their private conversations. Alanna Zabel then came forward to speak about her own experience with the crooner, as she’d been his yoga teacher from 2007 to 2010. She shared her story DailyMail.comAfter a flirty text sent by Levine, Zabel said that her ex-boyfriend became jealous and he broke her wrist. Zabel claimed that Levine was aware of her abusive circumstances, but instead of responding or helping, he cut off her. She stated:

This is not about a romance or a salacious text. It is about being a decent person. Friends shouldn’t treat each others like trash. That’s how he treated my friend.

Alanna Zabel claimed that Adam Levine and her had become close friends over years of working together. However, despite Levine allegedly telling his friends that “his yoga teacher had the best ass in town,”They never had a relationship. She’d been about to go on tour with Maroon 5 as their yoga instructor when he allegedly sent a text reading, “I want to spend the day with you naked,”This led to her boyfriend becoming abusive. Levine then abruptly ended the tour plans and said that he did so without any apology.

The yoga teacher explained that her decision not to speak out was not motivated by fame. It was a way to expose the treatment she received by Adam Levine. According to her, the site:

Adam asked an influencer to name his child after him. I was blown away by the way he saw me and decided that it was time for me to share my thoughts. I would have made this public if I wanted to get my fifteen minutes fame.

The fitness instructor was just one of four women to speak out about the subject. “She Will Be Loved” singer following Sumner Stroh’s initial accusations. Maryka, a comedian, showed part of an exchange where she asked Adam Levine whether he was married. He appears to have replied. “Yeah, but it’s complicated.” A woman named Alyson Rose also shared apparent screenshots of their flirty messages on TikTok, and Auburn University student Ashley Russell said she and the singer DM’d almost daily and he Would like to hear from you “booty stories.”

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting change. Field day with Adam Levine amid the allegations, as his wife, Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo, is pregnant with their third child. The couple married in 2014 and share two children — Dusty Rose for daughtersGio Grace. Prinsloo has not commented publicly on the allegations, so it remains to be seen if or how the couple will be affected by these women’s claims.


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