According to Britain’s senior police officer, the red tape of criminal justice must be reduced to enable officers to perform their duties.


BRITAIN’S most senior cop says red tape in the criminal justice system must be slashed to free up police to do their job.

Met Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley stated that it now takes five times as much work to get a case before a court today than in the past 20 years.

Met commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has called for police administration to be cut


Met Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley called for the police administration to cut.Credit: Alamy

The requirement to disclose evidence and remove personal information from documents hindered officers in their frontline work.

Rowley said forces must also ensure they remain neutral following Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s warning about engaging in “woke causes”.

The London police boss said: “We have to be really careful about stepping into the political lane.

However, he told a Police Superintendents’ Association conference: “The public are not ­stupid and they can see what is operational policing and what is politics.”

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Paul Fotheringham, president of the association, hit back at Ms Braverman’s crusade against woke cops in his speech to the conference.

He said: “She gave examples of police activity that she felt had led to the damaging of public confidence by supposedly apolitical police forces siding with one group over another.

“She references ‘dancing and fraternising with political demonstrators’, which we assume relates to police attendance at Pride.

“She talks about the displaying of the progress flag and the wearing of badges.

“These are deeply personal and passionate matters for our staff and our communities.

“What I have actually seen are plenty of examples of effective community engagement and a desire to promote and welcome inclusion in all its forms.”

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, meanwhile, agreed that too much police time was spent on “clunky administrative desk work” when officers should be out fighting crime.


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