Aaron Rodgers Wants ‘Full Apology’ From Wall Street Journal for Reporting on ‘COVID Toe’


Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers said Wednesday he wants a “full apology” from the Wall Street Journal for reporting that he has COVID toe.

“I felt good in just a few days and didn’t have any lingering effects, other than the Covid toe,” Rodgers told Pat McAfee during a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM, where he discussed his recent COVID-19 diagnosis. The statement was met with laughter and it was unclear if he was joking, but as the Wall Street Journal pointed out in a piece that outlined his comments, COVID toe is a real condition that can impact those who contract the virus. It can involve swollen, discolored toes.

On Wednesday, Rodgers — who has been in the news lately due to his unvaccinated status — reacted to the report during a press conference, saying, “That’s actually called disinformation, when you perpetuate false information about an individual. I have a fractured toe so I expect a full apology.”

Notably, while demanding the “full apology,” he mentioned journalist Molly Knight by name. She does not work for the Journal and did not write the piece in question. On Wednesday, she issued a statement making those points and thanking Rodgers for directing people to her Twitter feed, where she is in the process of raising money to provide blankets to unhoused individuals in her community.

During the press conference, Rodgers insisted he had never heard of COVID toe and had no lesions on his feet, going so far as to place his foot on the table for reporters to see.

The Journal did update its piece Wednesday, noting that Rodgers contested the story. The Journal did not offer a “full apology.” A representative for the outlet did not immediately return a request for comment.


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