A pro-Trump rally that went so badly, it was drowned by a Mexican festival nearby


January 6th insurrectionist supporters held a pro-Trump rally that was so badly smashed it was drowned by a Mexican festival.

The rally was to take place outside of the Capitol Building in Washington. “biggest J6 event to date,”According to The Gateway Pundit (far-right blog). It was a huge embarrassing failure.

The Daily BeastThe so-called “Truth Rally”Just a few people attended the inauguration, which took place at the scene for the insurrection of January 2021. “a few dozen”The best.

Zachary Petrizzo, a political reporter, was present at the scene and posted a thread about how the tragically unfolded.

It appeared that a small group of people had assembled with signs, flags, and lawn chairs at 1 p.m.

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In a tweet, Petrizzo reported: “So far, most attendees at the event are part of the failed People’s Convoy, now-known as the 1776 Restoration Movement. The rally is in support of Jan 6th ‘political prisoners’.”

The counter-protesters arrived almost as many times as the protestors.

To make things more absurd, speakers at Truth Rally got drowned out by Mexican festivals located just one block away.

Petrizzo wrote: “Turns out the Jan 6th ‘Truth Rally’ towards the end was being drowned out by ‘Fiesta DC’ and not the sinister forces they thought.”

Someone replied with a joke: “What can be more sinister than marimba?”

Another one: “This is perfect.”

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