A Pharmacist hopes to break the world record for London Marathon in a tree costume


One pharmacist wants to run the London Marathon faster than the rest. He hopes to wear an Ankle-Boot Guinness World Record and beat the other runners. “absolutely stunning”Costume for eight-foot tall trees

Rob Duncombe will be running the famous October 2 race to raise funds for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. The charity raises money to support The Royal Marsden’s cancer centre, The Royal Marsden.

The bulk of funding is to go towards the charity’s Oak Cancer Centre appeal, which aims to support the development of a “state-of-the-art” treatment and research facility at the hospital’s Sutton site, which will include more than 400 researchers, 350 clinical staff and thousands of patients together under one roof and is set to open next year.

To do something. “slightly different”To raise money, Mr Duncombe believed “well, because we’re building a unit called The Oak Cancer Centre, wouldn’t it be quite fun to do the London Marathon in a tree costume”.

Man wearing a tree costumeRob Duncombe in his tree costume for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity (Chris Salmen/PA).

The idea “blossomed”There was a Guinness World Record already in place for the fastest male marathon run in a tree-costume (male), and Mr Duncombe found it. This record stands at four hours five minutes and six second.

“We went to a company who made the costume – it’s 2.4 metres tall, so about eight foot tall”The 54-year-old woman from Chelmsford (Essex), spoke out to the PA news agency.

“I’ve had a couple of fittings, so it’s been like buying a new suit as they actually measured me for it and designed it with my build and shape and height in mind.

“It is absolutely stunning – you can definitely tell that it is an oak tree – and mine was one of the biggest they’ve ever made, given the height and leaves on top.”

He added that the costume – which was made by Rainbow Productions – took around a month to six weeks to complete and is “relatively light,”Around five to six kilos.

However, there are still many benefits to training in the “fabulous”The outfit “not been easy”resulting in some questionable looks from other runners.

It is difficult, it’s heavy and it bounces around on your shoulders. But it’s possible.

Rob Duncombe

“It’s uncomfortable, it’s heavy, it bounces up and down on your shoulders, but it’s definitely doable,”He said.

“I can keep up a reasonable pace in it and one of the most entertaining parts of training has been doing local park runs down in Chelmsford.

“I think some people get quite upset when they are overtaken by a tree.”

He claimed he hopes for a time of just four hours and to race alongside others in the event. “silly costumes”Participation in an event which has “the best atmosphere”.

He is no stranger to the London Marathon, having participated in both 2016 as well as 2017. The latter included a moment with a member the Royal Family.

Man running and wearing colourful clothingRob Duncombe claimed that it is “absolutely amazing”Participation in the Royal Marsden (The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity/PA).

“2017 was the year where the focus was on mental health and Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate were heavily involved,”He said.

“I was suffering that year – I was cursing and swearing about how awful the whole thing was.

“I went to go get a drink and Prince William handed me one and he probably caught a torrent of abuse from me as I took the drink from him.

“But they all wished me on the way and it gave me a boost over the last mile – it was such a highlight.”

He also said that being a part of The Royal Marsden would be a great honor. “absolutely amazing”.

“We are constantly developing new treatments for cancer and not many people get that opportunity throughout their careers to see drugs from the very early stages of development through to extending the lives of thousands of people across the world,”He said.

“Cancer is going to affect sort of one in two of us at some point in our lives and The Oak Cancer Centre is a way of creating a really good environment for our patients to receive treatment in and also for us to continue to do research as well.”

So far, just over £200 has been raised out of the £3,000 target.

More information on Mr Duncombe’s fundraiser can be found here: rhttps://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/robert-duncombe6


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