A ‘floating cat’ optical illusion is leaving Reddit users puzzled


We’ve learned over the years that the internet loves both cats and optical illusions, so when one Reddit user shared a picture appearing to show a cat floating in mid-air, people were both amazed and confused as to how the impossible was possible.

Shared to the subreddit r/Confusing_Perspective, user Flamind666 attached the picture of the black cat curled in front of a sofa with the heading: “Floating cat?”

So it would seem. Take a look at it here.

They also clarified in the comments that the shadow visible in the photo is “from a phone of someone taking the picture”.

And so came the theories.

One commenter wrote: “If cats could float this is exactly the position I think they’d do it in.”

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“Okay this one legitimately hurts my brain,” added another.

A third concluded: “This cat is obviously into the dark arts. No other explanation.”

Others suggested that it was manipulative in some way, with the picture being “Photoshopped” or a “cutout picture of a cat on a couch”.

“I guess the shadow is the photographer’s shadow when he takes the photo. The cat is just lying down on the sofa. The combination is awesome,” applauded one user.

Though we’d agree that it’s all about perspective (look at the creases on the sofa), one individual asked another question entirely – one we think is more important…

“Possessed or puss-essed,” they commented.

We’re leaning towards the latter.

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