A Budding Vegan Chef Shares the Best Deals at Lidl


Flaxseeds and chia seeds are important in a vegan diet, according to me.

Chia seeds and flax seeds from Lidl.

To make pudding, I love to use chia seeds.

Lola Afolabi

Natural sources of fiber, omega-3 fat acids, and protein are chia seeds. Flaxseeds contain high levels of fiber and nutrients for plants.

For added nutrition, I add both to my porridge, breakfast cereals, and smoothies.

Chia seeds can also be used to make pudding. I soak them overnight in oatmilk. This gives me a gelatinous base that I then top with fresh fruits and nuts for an easy and filling breakfast.

Due to their binding nature, once they are soaked, both can be used in baking as an egg substitute.

Bananas can be a vegan staple.

Bananas at Lidl.

They can be a great source to energy.

Lola Afolabi

Bananas can be used as a quick energy source on busy days.

It is particularly useful to freeze them as they can quickly ripen. Once they have been frozen, I use them in smoothies or overnight cocoa banana breakfast oats.

Bananas can also be used as an egg substitute in oat pancakes or microwaved breakfast muffins. I usually pay £1.15, about $1.50 USD, for six.

Consuming lots of vegetables, such as spinach, is something I value.

Spinach from Lidl.

Spinach is an essential part of my vegan diet.

Lola Afolabi

Dark leafy greens, such as spinach, are highly recommended. Rich in essential vitamins, mineralsIron and potassium are also available. Spinach has a milder taste than other leafy leaves, which can make it a good choice for those with more fussy palates.

In simple salads, quick stir-fries, and breakfast smoothies, I’ll often use spinach.

The bag costs £1.29, about $1.70, for 200 grams, about 7 ounces.

Cavolo nero is similar to kale and is a type o cabbage that comes from Tuscany, Italy.

Cavolo nero from Lidl.

Cavolo nero is where I get my vitamins.

Lola Afolabi

Rich in nutrientsCavolo nero is rich in folate and other vitamins. It can be used as a substitute for spinach in vegetable risottos, one-pot pasta dishes, or hearty vegetable soups.

A 200-gram bag of approximately 7 ounces was 99 pence. That’s just below $1.50.

Whole-grain bread makes me feel fuller and gives me steady energy.

Bread from Lidl.

Extra slices can be stored in the freezer.

Lola Afolabi

Lidl’s sourdough is economical at £1.59, about $2, for a loaf.

I slice it and put it in the freezer. I then heat it up in the toaster when I’m ready for it. A single shopper likes variety in her meals and would struggle to eat an entire loaf of bread before it turns stale.

I do the exact same thing for the rye bread, which tastes great when toasted with nut spread and jam.

Dark-chocolate yogurt goes well with bananas and granola.

Dark chocolate yogurt from Lidl.

This yogurt can satisfy chocolate cravings.

Lola Afolabi

AlproLidl is a major player in the non-dairy plant-based world. I was thrilled to discover that it stocks some items from its range.

Dark-chocolate dessert is one of my favorite. This dessert is perfect for satisfying even the most satiated sweet tooth.

You can top it with banana or granola for a healthy mid-day snack. You can also enjoy it as a dessert after-dinner.

It quickly became a staple in my kitchen cupboard once Lidl started stocking Minor Figures Oat Milk.

Oat milk at Lidl.

Smoothies and teas with oatmeal milk are great.

Lola Afolabi

Minor Figures, an independent 100% plant-based oat milk and brewery company, is cheaper than well-known brands like Oatly at just £1.39, just under $2, for a carton.

Out of all the plant-based milks, I have found that oat is the most faithful to the full-bodied nature dairy. It can be used for general milk purposes and in hot beverages such as teas, frothy latte, and smoothies.

Lidl’s tinned cherries tomatoes are a new and delicious budget-friendly option.

Canned tomatoes from Lidl.

Can cans of tomatoes can be used in place of fresh tomatoes.

Lola Afolabi

Tinned tomatoes can be a time-saver in the kitchen as they can help you save money and time.

At 69 pence, just under $1, a can, they’re really unbeatable — all without sacrificing taste. They can be used in tomato-based sauces such as marinara and bolognese. They can even be used in peanut stew.

The cherry tomatoes have a subtle sweetness that balances the sauce’s acidity and is a better choice than the plum tomatoes.

The potato is a star vegetable that offers endless possibilities.

British piper potatoes from Lidl.

Always have a bag full of potatoes on hand.

Lola Afolabi

You can mash, bake, roast, sauté, steam, and fry potatoes. I always make sure to have a bag in my cupboard, especially at only £1.15, about $1.50, for 2.5 kilograms, or about 5 1/2 pounds.

Maris Piper is my favorite variety for roasting. Its starchiness results a fluffy potato with crisp skin.

A neutral flavor makes potatoes a great addition to stews and curries as well as quick midweek side dishes.

A great source of protein for a plant-based diet is legumes and beans.

Nuts from Lidl.

Chickpeas make a wonderful addition to a vegan diet.

Lola Afolabi

Lidl has a good selection of canned goods at affordable prices, including butter beans or chickpeas.

Premade tinned versions are convenient for making vegetable chili and butter-bean dips.

My current obsession is the chickpea scramble. It’s a quick and easy meal that uses mashed legumes instead of eggs.

I’m a single shopper and love Lidls whole grains in the microwave.

Quinoa and rice from Lidl.

These are so easy to pop in the microwave.

Lola Afolabi

Each pack contains a mix of wild rice, brown rice, red rice, and quinoa. Two servings are available for 49 pence each, which is just $1.

Because they can be microwaved, they are a convenient side dish to curries and stews. They make a great addition to salads.

I particularly enjoy the red-and-wild-rice mix, which adds a nutty element to a hearty mushroom-and-coconut-milk soup.


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