Important Tips & Tricks To Know While Fixing Heating Radiator


SUMMER is over and the days are getting colder – here’s how to stay warm without it costing the earth. Brits across the country are turning on their heating again. However, heating can be a major household expense – and bills are set to rise from October 1 when the Energy Price Cap goes up.

We have four ways to cut down on heating costs before you turn the heat back on. Radiator specialist BestHeating has advised Brits to check their radiators if they’re only just switching them back on after the warm weather.

It’s best to turn your heating on at least once a month as inactivity could cause your boiler to stop working. If your thermostatic valves have been turned off in the summer, you can switch them up. A radiator that has become clogged can be bled to get rid of any air pockets.

Important Tips & Tricks To Know While Fixing Heating Radiator

If you have never maintained your radiator, there may be sludge. You will need to flush the radiator. To flush out the grime and dirt, bleed it. Attach a hosepipe to the radiator valve outlet. Once the water has passed through, you can reconnect the radiator to its wall.

It takes only 20 minutes to complete and all that is needed is a bleed tool, cloth, and towel. A lesser-known tip is to top up the corrosion inhibitor. Water doesn’t mix well with metal, so radiators that are turned off will corrode without it.

Corrosion inhibitor is a product that helps to break down rust-colored sludge and prevents blockages from forming. It also keeps the system’s lifespan longer and more efficient. It is available at most hardware stores. This will help you save a lot on maintenance and repairs.

Apply for an energy efficiency grant

Households across many areas of the UK are eligible for grants up to £10,000 to make their homes more energy-efficient. These improvements may include double glazing windows or air source heat pumps.

For the majority of areas, homeowners must have a total income of less than £30,000 to qualify for a grant. If your household income is more than £30,000 a year, you can qualify for up to £5,000 of grant funding.

As a contribution, however, you will have to cover a third of the cost. You won’t receive the money to pay for the improvements. They will instead be granted on your behalf.

Search for energy grants on the website of your local council to find out if your area is eligible. If your local council is paired with Eon, you can contact [email protected] to discuss your eligibility. This scheme is only available until December.

Switch providers

The UK is about to experience its biggest energy bill increase in 10 years when the industry price cap leaps £139 to £1,277 for an average home from October 1. Switching providers is the best way to deal with this increase.

The cheapest discount deal is just £1,123 with Avro Energy. You can check the cheapest deals from all suppliers via websites such as,, and GoCompare.

You can ask a company like Switchcraft or Look After My Bills for a swap to get you a new, cheaper deal every year. Or, you could call your provider and ask them for a lower tariff.

But don’t hold your breath for supersize savings – it’s usually better to shop around different providers.

Apply for a Government discount scheme

You can also apply for extra help with your energy bills. The warm homes discount scheme offers households up to £140. This scheme is usually paid directly to your energy supplier, which will then apply the discount to your bills. You may be sent a £140 voucher if you have a pre-payment meter.

If you live in a low-income household, you can also get £25 a week to help with energy bills during the winter thanks to the cold weather payment scheme.

You’ll get a payment if the average temperature in your area falls to zero degrees celsius or below over the space of a week, but you’ll need to be on some kind of means-tested benefits to claim.

Another method of reducing your fuel costs by up to £300 a year is to use winter fuel payments. Winter fuel payments are automatically made for most people in November or December. You’ll receive a letter with details about how much and when you can expect it.