Emmerdale and Corrie stars’ dad teases ‘busy’ storylines after dramatic twists


The father of two soap stars has praised his actress daughters and teased more busy times ahead for their characters.

Amelia Flanagan, April Windsor’s actress in Emmerdale has been at the heart of an incredible online trolling storyline in recent week.

Isabella, her sister, plays Hope Stape on Coronation Street. Hope set fire to Alina Pop’s apartment after Tyrone moved in with Alina.

Their dad Chris has praised his talented daughters on Twitter and teased fans that there is still “lots more to come”.

He posted screenshots of his daughters in their respective soaps, receiving lots of compliments.

Isabella Flanagan plays Hope on Corrie while Amelia plays April in Emmerdale
Isabella Flanagan plays Hope on Corrie while Amelia plays April in Emmerdale

Chris said: “So proud watching these two tonight, they’ve had such a busy few months and still lots more to come for Hope on Corrie and April on Emmerdale. Thanks for all the lovely comments!”

His tweet was immediately met with more praise for the young girls.

One person said: “Amazing little actresses. You must be so proud. Two really difficult storylines acted with such maturity.”

April has been getting trolled after Cathy started a campaign against her
April has been getting trolled after Cathy started a campaign against her

Another said: “Chris, lost for words at the really outstanding acting from Amelia and Isabella. They have both obviously worked so hard to get their stories spot on. Well done.”

And a third added: “They are absolutely incredible, such amazing talents and a total credit to you, can’t wait to see what’s to come.”

This week, April discovered that it had been Cathy Hope who had started the online campaign against her.

Hope set fire to Alina's flat in Coronation Street
Hope set fire to Alina’s flat in Coronation Street

She told Cathy: “You’re my mum’s little sister, you’re my aunt, you’re supposed to look after me!

“It’s wrong and it’s horrible, I’m telling my dad, Rhona and the school what you have done. You bully!”

A devastated April added: “You made me say it! I wish you were there instead of my mum.”

Meanwhile, tearaway child Hope has been causing trouble again as she set fire to Alina’s flat.

It led to an eventual break-up between Alina and Tyrone, with Alina saying goodbye to Weatherfield.

It’s not just the two Flanagan girls who are soap stars though.

Isabella actually stars alongside their brother William in Coronation Street, as the little lad plays Chesney’s son Joseph Brown.

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