Riverdale’s series finale left Twitter feeling emotional


Riverdale’s series finale left Twitter feeling emotional

Many viewers have been moved by the finale of “Riverdale”, but others disagree about one particular revelation. During this episode, Archie, Veronica Jughead Betty and Jughead spent their last high-school year in a 4-sided polyamorous romance and considered letting Reggie, played by Charles Melton, join in. The storyline has divided fans and made them talk around water coolers.

Some users, like Twitter user u/biceptor“This riverdale series finale is so stupid because wdym betty cooper is in a quad where she’s dating archie, jughead, and veronica.” This riverdale finale is stupid because wdym Betty Cooper is in the quad with Archie, Jughead and Veronica. Elsewhere, @barchiesorigin The storyline is one of “Riverdale’s” dumbest ever.

However, @beforekermit Thinks that fans who are upset about this revelation need to lighten up.[Riverdale] fans hating on the archie/veronica/betty/jughead quad relationship y’all are so boring I’m sorry.” Meanwhile, @TheGhostHost In a letter, he wrote, “And what if I were to say that making the characters a quad would be the one good thing Riverdale has done?”

Fans of “Riverdale,” however, largely viewed it as just another bizarre surprise from a show which is known for its ability to entertain, shock and dazzle audiences. Archie’s quadruple relationship with Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Veronica for a full year was not the most bizarre thing on “Riverdale.” @giselleb1234 wrote.


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