Rudy Giuliani will Surrender In Georgia Election Tampering Case


Rudy GiulianiHas surrendered after being arrested in relation to efforts to interfere with the 2020 Georgia presidential vote.

Former President Barack Obama is one of 18 defendants. Donald TrumpThe time limit for declaring themselves to be arrested was set at 12 noon on Friday.

“I will comply with the law, which I alway do,” Giuliani said before leaving for Georgia. “I will plead not guily, and then I get photographed. Isn’t that nice, a mugshot for the man who put the worst criminals in history in jail.”

Giuliani arrived at the court after he told them he was out of cash and had a massive debt. Atlanta Private jets are available to fly from New York.

Arthur Aidala has been hired by Inside Edition to represent Giuliani. He is a former federal prosecutor, and former mayor of New York City.

“I’m doing this for a man who needs help, has helped so many people in his lifetime,” Aidala says.

Trump will host an event at his New Jersey Country Club next month, where he’ll be hosting a fundraiser with a price tag of $100,000 per plate for Giuliani. Jenna Ellis says that Trump is responsible for all of the legal fees.

“Why isn’t MAGA, Inc. funding everyone’s defense?” Ellis asked on Twitter.

Trump’s co-defendants have been arriving to surrender at the Fulton County Jail, which is said to be infested with lice. The people who are being booked in will have their fingerprints taken, and they’ll be weighed.

Trump, who plans to surrender on Thursday, tweeted, “I will proudly be arrested tomorrow afternoon in Georgia.”

A full motorcade will accompany the former president, complete with police officers and an intersection controller. Trump appears to also be planning a media statement before flying out to Atlanta.

Trump’s surrender is expected to follow the Republican Presidential debate on Wednesday. Former President Trump has taped an interview for Tucker Carlson that will air at the same time the Republican presidential debate.

Fox News has banned Trump’s representatives from the post-debate spin room, but his supporters will be in the audience, including son Donald Trump, Jr.


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