Billions of Gmail and Outlook users warned to delete three bank-raiding emails – you may already be a victim


Three types of emails are worth avoiding to protect yourself from scams.

The scams are usually created with the intention of stealing money, personal information, etc and they try to catch you when you’re not paying full attention.

There are three tell signs that can make scam emails stand out


Three tell-tale signs can help you identify a scam email

Computer security firm warns of the danger. McAfee a part of its “Phishing Email Examples: How to Recognize a Phishing Email.”

Gmail, Outlook and other email clients are at risk.

Scammers aren’t usually too concerned with the appearance of their scam emails.

You can tell by the signs they show.

“Phishing scammers often undo their own plans by making simple mistakes that are easy to spot once you know how to recognize them,” McAfee said.

According to McAfee, here is the breakdown of three warning signs.


Scam emails will casually have grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and other blatant errors that major corporations wouldn’t make.

“If you see multiple, glaring grammatical errors in an email or text that asks for your personal information, you might be a target of a phishing scam,” McAfee said.


Scammers often steal the logos of who they’re impersonating to increase their legit-ness.

“The logo in a phishing email or text might have the wrong aspect ratio or low resolution,” McAfee said.

“If you have to squint to make out the logo in a message, the chances are that it’s phishing.”


There are a lot of scams that will tell you to follow a certain link. However, the URL is usually spelled incorrectly.

“Phishing always centers around links that you’re supposed to click,” McAfee said.

“Phishing URLs contain misspellings, which is a common sign of phishing.

“If the URL you discover doesn’t match up with the entity that supposedly sent you the message, you probably received a phishing email.”


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