My ‘quiet spot workout’ is my favorite for shy girls. I love it!


A fitness influencer shared an easy and quick workout that women can do at home without drawing attention to themselves in the gym.

This routine is made up of six exercises. You will only need a mat with dumbbells.

Fitness guru Natalee has shared a quick, simple exercise routine for girls looking to keep a low profile at the gym


Natalee, fitness expert and trainer has provided a short exercise program for women who want to maintain a low profile in the gym.Credit: None known. Clear with image desk
It requires nothing more than a gym mat and a pair of dumbbells


This requires a simple gym mat with dumbbells.Credit: None known. Clear with image desk

Natalee performed the routine during a TikTok Clip It has been viewed more than 7million times since then and received over 800,000 Likes.

According to the fitness guru, “If I was super shy and wanted to keep my space at the gym… I’d do this.”

Natalee set up the routine by performing static lunges.

She said, “One foot in front the other.”

“I’d get down and drive that heel.”

Natalee advised doing three sets with eight reps per leg.

She said, “The second exercise that I would do to hit my upper body is the bicep curl.”

“I keep the dumbbells at my side and I would curl upwards.

Many read Health And Fitness.

Natalee suggested doing three sets with ten reps.

Next, we can begin to work on our lower bodies.

Natalee stated, “I would put my dumbbells onto my shoulders and place my feet shoulder-width apart. Then, I’d go into a squat.”

Three sets of ten reps are required for this exercise.

She then moved onto the shoulder press.

We place our dumbbells on our sides, our feet are together and push our heads up.

Natalee again recommended that you do three sets of 10 reps.

She said next that it was time for dumbbells to be put aside and she should focus on her abs.

Natalee stated, “I would hold a plank as long as it was possible to do so,”

Then, it’s almost done.

Natalee declared, “The glute bridge is my last exercise.”

“I grabbed one dumbbell. I placed it on my pelvis. Laying on my back, I would go upwards.

Also, this exercise requires three sets with ten repetitions.

Commenters noted that being in direct contact with heavy-trafficked machinery is not a good way to escape attention.

One replied, “I would not do it infront of the bells bc they are gonna come in to get them”

One commenter asked if public display makes sense.

They said, “If you’re that shy, why would you pay for a gym membership when it can be done at home without anyone around?” They asked.

Natalee said, “Because that’s all about being comfortable in the gym environment.”

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You won’t feel confident at the gym if you leave home.

Natalee’s TikTok account has many other useful videos about working out @nataleebfitness.


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