The January 6 hearing is the center of attention for the ‘Clark Kent” look-alike


Unidentified Superman-lookalike caught people’s attention during Thursday’s hearing on January 6. This prompted the # hashtag “Clark Kent”Trend on Twitter

The man in question was sitting right behind Sarah Matthews, Matthew Pottinger, and Sarah Matthews witnesses.

The DC Extended Universe was sporting a sleek navy suit and glasses — earning him comparisons to Superman’s bespectacled reporter alter-ego, Clark Kent.

One wrote: “Ok, yes, Trump is guilty….BUT WHO IS THIS…Ok, Clark Kent!! #January6thHearing.”

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“Why are people questioning Clark Kent’s presence at the Jan. 6 hearings? He’s obviously covering the event for the Daily Planet,”Another wrote that the fictional character worked at a news station.

The third author wrote: “You know the #January6thHearing is a big deal when Clark Kent of all people is skipping San Diego Comic-Con for it.”

Andy Cohen, Bravo host, was intrigued to find out who the man was.

“Who on earth is this? #IsHeSeeingAnybody”Cohen asked.

Yashar Ali is a writer New York MagazineHe joked that he knew the man’s identity, but didn’t reveal his source.

He did not notice that the man was being taken.

“The good-looking man sitting behind Pottinger is not single.

“That’s all I’ll say.

After the hearing, the House Select Committee questioned former President Donald Trump about his activities during the insurrection on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

Trump refused to state that he was a member of the hearing “lost the election”New footage showed him rehearsing the speech.

They also showed radio transmissions from terrified Secret Service agents. They were worried about their safety, and the safety of Mike Pence, former vice president.

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